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[ BUG REPORT ] - OBS Crashes Window #659

Closed gorillagrip closed 1 year ago

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago


I had the idea to open OBS Studio (my version is 26.1.1; never bothered to update it) because of the easter egg in the original DDLC where Monika would jumpscare you if you were streaming/recording. Unfortunately, it just... crashed the application? I thought Natsuki would have something for that.

Replication steps:

It happens within a minute of both OBS Studio and Just Natsuki being open together; it doesn't happen immediately. If it doesn't, you might have to make it happen by putting the window in and out of focus.

RaionArt commented 1 year ago

Hello @gorillagrip,

this was already fixed in v1.1.1. Please update your game.

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

Hello @gorillagrip,

this was already fixed in v1.1.1. Please update your game.

Oh, nice. But the OBS thing still stands. After a minute of the two applications being open together, Natsuki crashes.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

Hi @gorillagrip - our means for detecting activity vary depending on the OS, and we're missing some important information in the form of the log and traceback files (if any). Can you please state your OS and provide any traceback.txt and/or log.txt (as found under the log folder) files from within your installation?

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

I have Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit. I don't know why my files keep saying it's Windows 8, but they are wrong.

Traceback is probably not what you're looking for, but here it is.

While running game code:
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 238, in script call
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 572, in script call
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 357, in script
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 361, in <module>
TypeError: expected string or buffer

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 238, in script call
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 572, in script call
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 357, in script
  File "C:\Users\**[REDACTED]**\Downloads\DDLC-1.1.1-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 814, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "C:\Users\**[REDACTED]**\Downloads\DDLC-1.1.1-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1719, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/script-ch30.rpy", line 361, in <module>
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/re.py", line 146, in search
TypeError: expected string or buffer

Just Natsuki 1.1.0

log.txt as seen in log folder with everything from today and nothing else, tell me if you need more from this:

Sat Apr 29 13:24:12 2023
Just Natsuki 1.1.0

[2023-04-29 13:24:12.257000] [INFO]: Current persisted version pre-mig check: 1.1.0
[2023-04-29 13:24:12.258000] [INFO]: runInitMigrations START
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.519000] [INFO]: runRuntimeMigrations START
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.519000] [INFO]: Current persisted version post-mig check: 1.1.0
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.520000] [INFO]: Daily affinity cap reset; new cap is:5.07500162576
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.520000] [INFO]: Affinity+
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.521000] [INFO]: Outfit data loaded.
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.521000] [INFO]: Outfit set.
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.521000] [INFO]: Poem data loaded.
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.521000] [INFO]: Holiday data loaded.
[2023-04-29 13:24:18.521000] [INFO]: Joke data loaded.


Sat Apr 29 13:31:16 2023
Just Natsuki 1.1.0

[2023-04-29 13:31:16.604000] [INFO]: Current persisted version pre-mig check: 1.1.0
[2023-04-29 13:31:16.605000] [INFO]: runInitMigrations START
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.940000] [INFO]: runRuntimeMigrations START
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.940000] [INFO]: Current persisted version post-mig check: 1.1.0
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.941000] [INFO]: Daily affinity cap reset; new cap is:5.07508199505
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.941000] [INFO]: Affinity+
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.942000] [INFO]: Outfit data loaded.
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.942000] [INFO]: Outfit set.
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.942000] [INFO]: Poem data loaded.
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.942000] [INFO]: Holiday data loaded.
[2023-04-29 13:31:20.943000] [INFO]: Joke data loaded.


Sat Apr 29 14:24:45 2023
Just Natsuki 1.1.1

[2023-04-29 14:24:45.273000] [INFO]: Current persisted version pre-mig check: 1.1.0
[2023-04-29 14:24:45.274000] [INFO]: runInitMigrations START
[2023-04-29 14:24:45.274000] [INFO]: Migration to 1.1.1 START
[2023-04-29 14:24:45.283000] [INFO]: Migration to 1.1.1 DONE
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.583000] [INFO]: runRuntimeMigrations START
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.583000] [INFO]: Current persisted version post-mig check: 1.1.1
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.584000] [INFO]: Outfit data loaded.
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.584000] [INFO]: Outfit set.
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.585000] [INFO]: Poem data loaded.
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.585000] [INFO]: Holiday data loaded.
[2023-04-29 14:24:50.585000] [INFO]: Joke data loaded.


Sat Apr 29 14:28:01 2023
Just Natsuki 1.1.1

[2023-04-29 14:28:01.943000] [INFO]: Current persisted version pre-mig check: 1.1.0
[2023-04-29 14:28:01.944000] [INFO]: runInitMigrations START
[2023-04-29 14:28:01.944000] [INFO]: Migration to 1.1.1 START
[2023-04-29 14:28:01.953000] [INFO]: Migration to 1.1.1 DONE
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.372000] [INFO]: runRuntimeMigrations START
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.372000] [INFO]: Current persisted version post-mig check: 1.1.1
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.374000] [INFO]: Outfit data loaded.
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.374000] [INFO]: Outfit set.
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.374000] [INFO]: Poem data loaded.
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.374000] [INFO]: Holiday data loaded.
[2023-04-29 14:28:05.375000] [INFO]: Joke data loaded.

I'd like to note that it's not a true crash with Windows offering to close the program or freezing up or anything scary, rather it just disappears without warning.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

Hi @gorillagrip - Ignore the Win8 reference; JN uses an older version of the Ren'Py game engine (the same as vanilla DDLC), which only identifies Windows versions up to 8.

Your error is not related to OBS. I can see with your traceback that this particular error was fixed in v1.1.1, while the version number in your traceback states your current version (1.1.0). This would indicate you did not update correctly.

Can you please send a screenshot of the contents of your game folder?

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

Before I do that, are you sure I didn't update correctly? It says 1.1.1 in the logs twice below.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

Yes. If you look at your logs, you should also notice the game attempting multiple migrations. This only happens when the game has not been updated correctly, and is going back/forth between version numbers internally.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

Any given migration in a correct installation should only ever occur once.

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

Yes. If you look at your logs, you should also notice the game attempting multiple migrations. This only happens when the game has not been updated correctly, and is going back/forth between version numbers internally.

Sure thing


Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

Right, so we can rule out the source code files. And you are certain this issue is still ongoing after updating your installation with the latest release files?

As an aside: the issue you are describing is identical to the one reported under #622

Otherwise, I can only recommend you perform a reinstallation as we're not seeing any other instances of this issue following our patch: your save data would not be affected by this.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

For clarity; I've run OBS (28.0.3) myself alongside JN and can confirm no effect whatsoever. We've used OBS to record promotional/teaser footage of JN in the past, so if OBS were presenting a problem we'd likely have found it by now.

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

So I've done a completely fresh reinstallment of DDLC, added the latest Just Natsuki, opened OBS, focused in and out of the window at least twice... crashed again! I am certain that the game gets confused by the lack of code for Monika's stream jumpscare and just closes itself without a note.

Or maybe it's overwhelming for the application because it's rendering stuff so quickly because I'm doing something really stupid? I don't know.

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

image image

And I have discovered a new bug. Look out the window. I am not sure how I did this...

gorillagrip commented 1 year ago

Okay, after testing my failproof method of getting the window to close itself without OBS, I notice that the graphics briefly freeze up before resuming as normal. OBS isn't the main culprit, but it does contribute just enough to kill it- it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Blizzardsev commented 1 year ago

There is zero code for reacting to OBS in this way and no dependency to the code used in Act 3. As I said previously, we have not experienced anything of the sort when recording JN ourselves, nor when I tested it myself last night.

What are your specs? If you are no longer receiving errors in your traceback and the game is just closing itself with no warning (when the mod itself crashes due to an error, it will always show the traceback), then this would suggest the issue lies with your system, not the mod.

Ren'Py is prone to rendering issues, and does not have the best performance: if your machine is already low spec and/or strained by other applications you are running, then there's not much I can suggest.

You can try changing the rendering setting: hold Shift while the game boots, or Shift-G, then change your settings as per the instructions here: https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/display_problems.html#:~:text=Hold%20down%20Shift%20while%20starting,choose%20the%20renderer%20to%20use.

Beyond that, that's about all I can recommend.