Just-Natsuki-Team / NatsukiModDev

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[ BUG REPORT ] - When I click on "Nevermind" in any menu, the animation that returns you to the desk has low fps. #824

Closed AlchysFall closed 9 months ago

AlchysFall commented 10 months ago


[brief description of the bug, and the impact created]

Replication steps:

[please describe with as much detail as possible how to consistently recreate the bug]

Additional information:

[any other information you think is relevant - I.E operating system, date and so on]

Blizzardsev commented 10 months ago

Hi @AlchysFall - can you please clarify the following:

AlchysFall commented 10 months ago

I'm using windows and the mod version is 1.3.1 and yes it occurs everytime I click on "nevermind"

AlchysFall commented 10 months ago

I've updated the mod to version 1.3.2 right now and I've noticed the same problem.

Blizzardsev commented 10 months ago

Hi @AlchysFall - given the lack of reports regarding this issue, this would suggest a problem with your setup or machine rather than a bug with the menu specifically.

I would suggest adjusting the rendering options Ren'Py offers to any game built with the engine. If you press and hold Shift while JN loads (before the game window appears), you will see a graphics/rendering settings menu - try switching the renderer used for graphics acceleration and rebooting the game.

As a last resort, you may try the following:

AlchysFall commented 10 months ago

I've done what you said but still the same issue. The game was perfectly fine before updating it to 1.3.1 also the other animations looks smooth so it's only the option "nevermind" that has the problem.

Blizzardsev commented 10 months ago

Can you please supply some gameplay footage to demonstrate how severe this FPS drop is?

AlchysFall commented 9 months ago

https://github.com/Just-Natsuki-Team/NatsukiModDev/assets/149626972/5f9baca7-b069-4d6a-8a7f-faba258f1df4 as you see here, when I click on "nevermind" the animation is buggy, but when I choose a topic or something to tell natsuki, the animation is smooth.

Blizzardsev commented 9 months ago

We'll look into it. As mentioned, due to the low amount of reports concerning this and lack of mention on our other channels, this will be low priority for the time being - especially given this is purely visual.

AlchysFall commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your time and keep up the good work. You guys are amazing.

RZed01 commented 9 months ago

Version 1.3.4, which is apparently supposed to fix this bug, did not work on my system. (As in there is still lag in the animation that returns Natsuki to the center upon exiting certain menus. I don't really mind it at all to be honest, but I will continue to check to see if there is any improvement in the performance. This could also be just a hardware issue for me. I am running this mod off a 5400rpm HDD, after all)

RZed01 commented 9 months ago

There also seems to be a bit more diversity in Natsuki's idle animation cycle, ironically with the eye-following idle removed. Just the transition lag upon exiting the Talk menu still exists. I will continue to check to see if there is any further improvement.

Blizzardsev commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately at this point, without stripping back animations to the point of no diversity (or engineering our own way of conditional sprite switching independent of Ren'Py) there isn't much more we can look to achieve in this area. We'll keep an eye out for further developments but there isn't much else we can suggest other than trying the mod on alternative hardware.

RZed01 commented 9 months ago

I understand. I noticed this with other games I've played, that when I move them from the secondary 5400rpm HDD to my main NVMe SDD, that all the stuttering practically disappears due to the much faster read speeds. I personally don't mind the lag myself- as it is not a detriment to this mod's experience in any way. Far from it.