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[ FEATURE REQUEST ] - Small nitpick about Self Voicing #863

Closed HypnoHypno closed 10 months ago

HypnoHypno commented 10 months ago

So, I discovered the self-voicing feature. when accidentally pressing the V key I'm not blind or anything, but I want to use this feature.

I thought it'd be cool if maybe you used a girl tts speech for Natsuki's dialog. Something that sounds like her, or maybe something like how the DDLC MAS Monikai submod uses a tts voice trained on monika's voice.

Something like that would be cool, and benefit not only people who need to use that feature, but it'd strengthen immersion for people who aren't neccesarily blind or have bad eyesight.

Blizzardsev commented 10 months ago

Hi @HypnoHypno - thanks for your suggestion.

Interesting that you managed to enable self-voicing, as this is something we explicitly disable in the mod setup process.

At any rate - at least from me, it's going to be a hard pass I'm afraid for a range of reasons.

Unlike with Monika who has an entire song and a set of voicelines in the credit sequence in base DDLC, there's no definitive/canon voice for Natsuki which immediately places us in a difficult spot: there's no real source for us to train with or compare against, without finding an alternative voice actor - which leads us to my next point of concern.

Finding a voice actor willing to work with the project that:

As with any TTS, there is also context to consider: remember that we account for a huge variety of moods and scenarios for Natsuki. Does a text to speech solution satisfy the following as an example:

While it might satisfy basic lines (such as randomly selected menu dialogue), hopefully our concern on this front is more visible given the above.

Adding to this, we must consider that Natsuki (like Yuri) relies a lot on onomatapeia as part of her speaking habits:

Unfortunately, I wouldn't personally see this as something TTS would be able to pull off convincingly, and stripping these out of our topics isn't an option either.

Further, we must also remember that the mod has been maintained for some time now - a lot of our playerbase will have their own impression of how their Natsuki will sound, and forcing an official voice in this way may come across as intrusion on their personal interpretation. While we can add a toggle, this isn't territory we are comfortable exploring.

Lastly, from a personal viewpoint it just doesn't feel like something I would be comfortable working into the mod. AI-generated content is already something of a hot topic in regards to creative works, and as a passion project I don't feel like such content is what I originally joined the team to create/maintain.

@RaionArt thoughts on this?

HypnoHypno commented 10 months ago

"Interesting that you managed to enable self-voicing, as this is something we explicitly disable in the mod setup process."

Hm, then why did you code that in the first place, if you don't want such a feature? (Especially since something like this is going to help a lot of people who have bad eyesight, even with the whole weird microsoft sam-esque voice)

Blizzardsev commented 10 months ago

We did not - self voicing is default Ren'Py functionality. Please refer to the following article: https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/self_voicing.html

Regardless, after internal discussion to confirm this isn't something we're pursuing. While I can sympathise with those who suffer with eyesight issues, it's worth noting that even base DDLC does not offer this functionality and that at the end of the day, this is a visual novel and large amounts of reading are to be expected.

If need be, the game can always be ran in fullscreen mode or system tools can be used to assist.