Closed s1h4d0w closed 6 years ago
The bot was updated a day or two ago to 1.9.6. Can you try updating the bot (there’s a guide on the wiki) and seeing if that helps reduce these?
I installed the bot through your wiki, but using "git pull" in the git bash terminal gives me:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Edit: Nevermind, did not know I had to navigate to the musicbot folder before executing that. Might be handy to add to the wiki for the noobs under us.
Now keeps on working! Still gives random errors now and again but the bot keeps working and reconnects if it loses connection.
Yeah the latest version includes some fixes and adjustments to make it more stable, and when it can’t be stable, at least make an effort to fix itself
I've had this bot running for a week now on my Windows 10 Professional PC (I have a pretty beefy PC that's always on with a 100Mbps fiber connection) but it keeps randomly crashing after about a day.
Here's the full output: