JustArchiNET / ASF-ui

The official web interface for ASF
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Add Ctrl+C shortcut for clearing of current command #1644

Closed TheMythologist closed 8 months ago

TheMythologist commented 9 months ago


Adds a "Ctrl+C" shortcut to clear the current command in the terminal.


Aareksio commented 8 months ago

There were discussions about this in the past. I personally do not like introducing this shortcuts, as it risks introducing unexpected behavior for many casual users, gaining only small convenience to selected few power users. But it may very well not be the case.

MrBurrBurr commented 8 months ago

You could also use CTRL + A + CTRL + K to clear the current command, or not?

Otherwise I see it just like @Aareksio.

Maybe we should add another asf-ui config option 'Terminal PowerUser mode': true/false in order to enable all those shortcuts :p

Abrynos commented 8 months ago

Generally I like shortcuts. However, the thing with Ctrl+C is that (from how this shortcut usually works) one could expect that it cancels execution of a currently running command, which it definitely can NOT do. Therefore, I personally am not in favour of this.