JustArchiNET / ArchiSteamFarm

C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] Redeem fowarding duplicated keys? #587

Closed sebzanga closed 7 years ago

sebzanga commented 7 years ago

Hi, I just faced what I think it's a bug, because in the second account (first one got already purchased) I got a duplicated key but it was fowarded to the others account. Log:

s1: !redeem asf RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ, W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J s6: -s1 Key: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ | Status: Fail/AlreadyPurchased | Items: [113572, Conclusion] -s1 Key: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s1 Unused keys: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ, W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

-s2 Key: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ | Status: Fail/DuplicateActivationCode | Items: [113572, Conclusion] -s2 Key: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s2 Unused keys: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

-s3 Key: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ | Status: Fail/DuplicateActivationCode | Items: [113572, Conclusion] -s3 Key: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s3 Unused keys: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

-s4 Key: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ | Status: Fail/DuplicateActivationCode | Items: [113572, Conclusion] -s4 Key: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s4 Unused keys: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

-s5 Key: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ | Status: Fail/DuplicateActivationCode | Items: [113572, Conclusion] -s5 Key: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s5 Unused keys: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

-s6 Key: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s6 Key: W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J | Status: Fail/RateLimited -s6 Unused keys: RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ, W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

This behavior is correct?

Thank you. Regards

JustArchi commented 7 years ago

Please review the guidelines for contributing to this repository.


If my issue is not meeting contributing guidelines specified above, especially if it's a question or technical issue, please close my issue immediately - I won't complain.

Reason for closing: not a bug.

s1: !redeem asf RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ, W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

I suggest to understand better what ASF as target bot name does and how you told every single of your bots to redeem the same key.

sebzanga commented 7 years ago

WIki isn't clear about using "ASF" as target bot name.

So, As far as I know, there is no way to redeeming multiples keys at once between all the instances but excluding the not working keys...

JustArchi commented 7 years ago

I corrected wiki a bit.

Plural arguments, such as <Bots> or <appIDs> mean that command supports multiple arguments of given type, separated by a comma. For example, !status can be used as !status MyBot,MyOtherBot,Primary. This will cause given command to be executed on all targeted bots in the same way as you'd send !status to each bot in a separate chat window.

In addition to that, there is a special ASF keyword which acts as "all bots in the process", so !status ASF is equal to !status all,your,bots,listed,here.

sebzanga commented 7 years ago

Then, what about <Keys>?

If I try: !redeem& RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ, W5XHV-F2WF0-0IT8J

I get: Couldn't find any bot named RQFPG-W7LZV-LD5WJ,!

I don't want to target a single instance. What I expect is to try to redeem all the keys in all the instances, but once a instance gets OK or Duplicated, to not foward that key to the other instances.

JustArchi commented 7 years ago

You put a space in ,, and space is used as arg delimiter.

GitHub is not technical support, if you want to get help then move onto proper channel - this issue is not a bug.