JustBru00 / NetherCubeParkour

Forked from NetherCubeElytra for parkour use, now quite different for use as an ice boat track timing plugin.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Removed local dependencies by changing to Maven-based shade compiling #25

Closed theelliotm closed 2 years ago

theelliotm commented 2 years ago

Fixes issue where dependencies were being sourced through local, manually downloadeded files like the spigot jar. This PR makes it where dependencies are sourced through remote repositories so new developers can contribute faster. It uses Maven shade so all dependencies are bundled with the jar, too (i.e. a non-plugin based utility dependency).

To compile, run maven clean, followed by running maven package twice. The compiled jar will be in the /target folder with a -shaded suffix.

JustBru00 commented 2 years ago

I don't want to use maven shade as dependencies are loaded by the spigot server.