JustDerb / RoR2-VsTwitch

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[Tiltify] Support Tiltify rewards as Channel Point rewards #49

Open JustDerb opened 2 years ago

JustDerb commented 2 years ago


[null,null,"campaign.168110.donation","donation",{"amount":10.0,"challenge_id":null,"comment":"idk where to tell you but start next run with cherf","completedAt":1651273334000,"event_id":168110,"id":5871236,"name":"abadvideogamr","poll_option_id":null,"read_at":null,"reward_id":146009,"updatedAt":1651273334000}]

Looks like reward_id is the key here. But we'll need a way to easy grab that ID from the Tiltify UI.

JustDerb commented 2 years ago

Looks like you can pull the ID from the URL: https://dashboard.tiltify.com/justderb/campaigns/test/incentives/rewards/edit/146225

ID would be 146225 here.