Open SolarPepper opened 9 months ago
more info please, like config
When drop head with coin Write this
[00:09:31 WARN]: Found inconsistent skull meta, this should normally not happen and is not a Bukkit / Spigot issue, but one from a plugin you ar
e using.
Bukkit will attempt to fix it this time for you, but may not be able to do this every time.
If you see this message after typing a command from a plugin, please report this to the plugin developer, they should use the api instead of rel
ying on reflection (and doing it the wrong way).
[00:09:31 INFO]: 💀Skullhead died
I use skull
# You can also set a custom texture for the coin, as a skull. Filling this will
# ignore 'coin-item'. Input the text from the example page at "Other > Value" at
# the bottom of the page, it's a 'texture value'. For the example, that would be
# the one starting with "eyJ0ZXh0dXJl[...]". In case you need the UUID of the
# skull, it is always: 00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000002.
# Example skull:
skull-texture: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmZDY3ZDU2ZmZjNTNmYjM2MGExNzg3OWQ5YjUzMzhkNzMzMmQ4ZjEyOTQ5MWE1ZTE3ZThkNmU4YWVhNmMzYSJ9fX0='
# Should the coin have an enchanted effect?
enchanted-coin: false
# This value sets the custom model data value for the coin. This can be used for
# custom textures. Default: 0 (disables the feature) You are probably only
# interested if you use a custom texture pack.
custom-model-data: 0
Or when this drop with mining
[00:25:45 WARN]: Found inconsistent skull meta, this should normally not happen and is not a Bukkit / Spigot issue, but one from a plugin you are using.
Bukkit will attempt to fix it this time for you, but may not be able to do this every time.
If you see this message after typing a command from a plugin, please report this to the plugin developer, they should use the api instead of relying on reflection (and doing it the wrong way).
[00:25:51 WARN]: Found inconsistent skull meta, this should normally not happen and is not a Bukkit / Spigot issue, but one from a plugin you are using.
Bukkit will attempt to fix it this time for you, but may not be able to do this every time.
If you see this message after typing a command from a plugin, please report this to the plugin developer, they should use the api instead of relying on reflection (and doing it the wrong way).
When I change this on item all work good
what software (spigot, paper, purpur) are you using and what version?
Purpur 1.20.4 And coins Last version
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce When player is die, write this error [00:04:57 WARN]: Found inconsistent skull meta, this should normally not happen and is not a Bukkit / Spigot issue, but one from a plugin you are using. Bukkit will attempt to fix it this time for you, but may not be able to do this every time. If you see this message after typing a command from a plugin, please report this to the plugin developer, they should use the api instead of relying on reflection (and doing it the wrong way).
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Error The error that is shown in console.
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.