JustFly1984 / react-google-maps-api

React Google Maps API
MIT License
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Link to official docs broken #3261

Open sohaibfurqan92 opened 1 year ago

sohaibfurqan92 commented 1 year ago

The link to the official docs appears to be broken. When I go to https://react-google-maps-api-docs.netlify.app/

I get the following screen:


dreamboat999 commented 1 year ago


shahria7k commented 1 year ago

having the some issue for quite some time.

Crimsonyx412 commented 12 months ago

It seems they have downed the hosting from this - https://github.com/JustFly1984/react-google-maps-api/issues/3256#issuecomment-1636175731 Is there any alternative link for this doc?

Hi, @JustFly1984 Could you please restore the deployment again? Everyone would be wary of entering the API key directly into the documentation. I think there are many people who need this doc.

ben-roth- commented 12 months ago

I agree, it is difficult to use this package without any documentation

amjad-awan commented 12 months ago

I am unable to use your package without docs, so kindly restore official doc links

neatstranger commented 12 months ago

Hopefully someone gets this fixed, I am using this in the mean time: https://web.archive.org/web/20230701010714/https://react-google-maps-api-docs.netlify.app/ Not perfect, but it works. Hopefully we can get this issue resolved soon.

@amjad-awan @ben-roth- @Crimsonyx412 @shahria7k

amjad-awan commented 12 months ago

Yes, now okay. Thank you

JustFly1984 commented 11 months ago

Docs are the part of packages/react-google-maps-api run docs with yarn docs:dev locally and build with yarn docs:build

If somebody want to fix it, your PR is welcome

chris-iliopoulos commented 11 months ago

I am sorry to say that if you own a repo you should also be responsible for the docs page to be up ... just my 2 cents.

neatstranger commented 11 months ago

@JustFly1984 Okay forgive me for being ignorant, but what language/framework are the docs built in? I can try to take a crack at it in my free time this week if I run into some. Also is there somewhere that the specific issue is documented?

ezerssss commented 11 months ago

@JustFly1984 Okay forgive me for being ignorant, but what language/framework are the docs built in? I can try to take a crack at it in my free time this week if I run into some. Also is there somewhere that the specific issue is documented?


something with infinite API calls

docs are built in react I believe

Issue found here: https://github.com/JustFly1984/react-google-maps-api/issues/3256#issuecomment-1636179725

JustFly1984 commented 11 months ago

@chris-iliopoulos never use wording "Should" in the context of Open Source. Nobody owes nobody nothing. I can say that you "Should" consider to donate to every open source library you use starting with this one. But who cares)

JustFly1984 commented 11 months ago

@neatstranger If you look into packages/react-google-maps-api/package.json, you'll see

 "react-docgen": "6.0.2",
 "react-docgen-typescript": "2.2.2",
 "react-styleguidist": "13.1.1",

react-docgen for a while was unmaintained and not compatible with react 17+, but I had to make library compatible, so docs was abandoned and failed to build.

JustFly1984 commented 11 months ago

If somebody wants to have docs, you'll have to fix react-docgen, react-docgen-typescript and react-styleguidist config yourself.

JustFly1984 commented 11 months ago


zourdyzou commented 11 months ago

@JustFly1984 What caused the issue that makes the docs deployments down on Netlify? I'd like to try and help fix the issue. thanks

sohanemon commented 10 months ago

Until this issue is fixed we can use this as a temporary solution.
