JustRegularLuna / rpp-backup

This repo is for Red++ v3, which is the latest playable version. The repo for v4 is not in a playable state at the moment, but dev will be resuming soon.
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Edited the Red++ Files for my own Hack, Can't seem to build to .gbc....HELP! #19

Closed Distortionex closed 2 years ago

Distortionex commented 2 years ago

Hi, thank you sooo much for this Red Hack Repository and the ability to make our own edits to the game! What I did was modify all pokemon's base stats, move changes, mart changes, etc, to make my own personal playthrough of the game (Not for public release). I've tried following instructions for Cygwin with this install tutorial and reading the Red Repository instructions and still cannot get it to build my file(s). Any way you could do it for me?

JustRegularLuna commented 2 years ago

It's possible you need an older version of the RGBDS compiler. I know I updated the repo months ago, but RGBDS has updated since then and might have broken things again. I'll check after work which version actually works.

Distortionex commented 2 years ago

^ Appreciate it! Got an error saying "Section BankF Grew too big (Max Size = 0x4000 bytes, reached 0x4001)."

JustRegularLuna commented 2 years ago

That last error means you tried to put too much stuff into that rom bank. Probably added too much when you were redoing things.

Distortionex commented 2 years ago

Ah, most of what I did was simple changes like Stats, Moves, Mart Items, Item Prices, etc. Didnt even "add" extra lines or anything. the only exception to that I guess was adding more Crit Moves to that section...could that be the issue?

Distortionex commented 2 years ago

Noticed the # of Lines for the Mart Changes I made were more than the original from your mod

JustRegularLuna commented 2 years ago

it might be the high crit moves you added. I think bank F has battle engine stuff and the battle engine takes up a lot of space already.

JustRegularLuna commented 2 years ago

Also if you want, it would probably be easier for me and others to help you if you joined my discord server. The link in the Readme should still work.