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New PHub destroys download_urls? #43

Closed Arvejita closed 3 years ago

Arvejita commented 3 years ago

Hi its me again, needing your download_urls method 😃.

This time i have a problem with video format, its not a bug or anything. Before im pretty sure you recieved a .mp4 file when downloading urls but now you get this weird .m3u8 file. I've read about it and its like a playlist file, but i cant convert it to mp4 or similar.

The url it self has a .mp4 file, if you cut all the other options like the .m3u8, depending on the video you get different errors but all of them involve permission (Having to register) which sucks.

EDIT: Also, sometimes i get 403 errors :(

My point, is there a way around it?

Thank you, xXMrrpgXx

JustalK commented 3 years ago

Hello xXMrrpgXx, Thank you for your feedback !

The way my download works is as follow :

The problem is it seems at first view that PH create fake link inside for avoiding this kind of downloader. I need to search a bit more.

Can you give me an URL where you get that error ? It does not happen everywhere, so it's hard to debug.

Thank you !

Arvejita commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your answer! Im really sorry for the late response. This time i only got the ones that download a .m3u8 file, no 403 ones

Here are some examples: URL: http://pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5eef378b83388 1080p download link (they're all the same type): https://ev-h.phncdn.com/hls/videos/202006/21/325678372/201218_1706_1080P_8000K_325678372.mp4/master.m3u8?validfrom=1611072724&validto=1611079924&hdl=-1&hash=%2BvzOghjkqd2DKvOz3NvJjAmR90Y%3D image

Another one: URL (With spain subdomain): https://es.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1767297513 720p download link: https://ev-h.phncdn.com/hls/videos/201504/15/47620541/,191218_0700_720P_4000K,191218_0700_480P_2000K,191218_0700_240P_400K,_47620541.mp4.urlset/master.m3u8?validfrom=1611073018&validto=1611080218&hdl=-1&hash=Y5UsXSfoqBBKVwUQVlmyHMLcavo= image