JustinCanton / Geo.NET

A lightweight method for communicating with the multiple online geocoding APIs.
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Wrong 'in' parameter in Here Maps #87

Closed ollie10 closed 9 months ago

ollie10 commented 9 months ago

Hey @JustinCanton,

I was just switching to your latest version and my unit tests already spotted an error.

In Here Maps you are passing the 'in' parameters in this way: https://geocode.search.hereapi.com/v1/geocode?q=31 Hills Point Road, Charlotte&in=USA&limit=1&lang=es-ES&show=countryInfo,streetInfo&apiKey=xxx

But according to their documentation you should use:

countryCode:USA OR countryCode:CAN,MEX,USA

I used the exception data as you told me the other time and this is what I saw:

{"status":400,"title":"Illegal input for parameter 'in'","cause":"Actual parameter value: 'USA'","action":"Unsupported key: 'USA'. Supported keys: 'countryCode'","correlationId":"fa73fe06-133b-4aaf-b654-e9c75177e7ac","requestId":"REQ-c5ae3f1b-3231-4f50-8cb7-15f0277af84c"}

Do you think it will be fast to fix and redeploy to nuget? Many thanks!

JustinCanton commented 9 months ago

Hello @ollie10 ,

Interesting. I will need to look into this a bit. It hopefully shouldn't take too long to fix this. I will make a hotfix for this issue.


ollie10 commented 9 months ago

Ok, this is the part involved: https://ibb.co/VLF53vx

JustinCanton commented 9 months ago

@ollie10, this issue is fixed in the 1.5.2 release. Let me know if there are any more issue.
