JustinDuy / pico-calibrate

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Have you achieved good results using 3D Scanning Software by Moreno, Taubin? #1

Open mambro opened 7 years ago

mambro commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am an italian research scholar. I'm working on Projective Augmented Reality with a robotic head. Unfortunately, I still have problems with Camera (I'm using a Kinect One) - Projector calibration.

I have conveniently modified the promising 3D Scanning Software to make it able to work with Kinect One but there is something to change that avoids to achieve good results. Furthermore, I'm obtaining bad results also using webcams. I often encounter problems at the "decode" step, when the gray code structured light is detected ("ERROR: projector resolution does not match") . Finally, when I collected good image datasets, I've always obtained bad calibration results (for instance, the translation vector T shows very wrong numbers).

Have you used this tool obtaining good calibration values?

Thank you in advance,

Michele Mambrini

JustinDuy commented 7 years ago

Hey Michele, I didn't manage to get a meaningful result from this software either. It gave me a very large reprojection error, even when I managed to run all steps. I did get the same error at decode, i repeated with a better quality image and it was gone, however still the last step doesn't work for me. After endlessly trying with this, I moved on with openframework addon. What do you use this software for? Regards, Duy