JustinGOSSES / MannvilleGroup_Strat_Hackathon

stratigraphic machine-learning - active work moved to Predictatops
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create geojson around different 'regions' based on thickness, turn into one hot vectors #7

Open JustinGOSSES opened 6 years ago

JustinGOSSES commented 6 years ago

Use thicknesss and potentially a residual of depth or thickness to identify sharp lines where sudden changes occur. Manually or programmatically split map into contiguous "regions". Create a feature dimension for each region. Every well is a 1 in one or more features and a zero in the rest. Features can overlap but might be better if they don't? Not sure.

JustinGOSSES commented 6 years ago

Use adaption of this to hand draw geojson https://bl.ocks.org/danswick/d30c44b081be31aea483