JustinGOSSES / wellioviz

d3.js v5 visualization of well logs
Apache License 2.0
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Clean div & svg organization in code & make sure everything has a class - document with diagrams #46

Closed JustinGOSSES closed 4 years ago

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug Work on optionally separating divs inside curvebox has gotten messy, need to minimize changes and let end-user set up CSS via classes they can append things to.

To Reproduce NA

  1. See error NA

Expected behavior Should be intuitive & documented visually

Clean div & svg organization in code & make sure everything has a class - document with diagrams

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

The main div ID is just called div_id, that's not very descriptive..should change it