JustinGOSSES / wellioviz

d3.js v5 visualization of well logs
Apache License 2.0
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Add new function #72

Closed mehsan1 closed 4 years ago

mehsan1 commented 4 years ago

can you please add below function in wellioviz as we are using this for our input object.

convertWellJSONToObjV2: function (depth, curve_data, UWI, CurveNames) { depth = depth[0]; array_of_obj = [] for (eachPt in depth) { obj = {} obj["UWI"] = UWI for (i in CurveNames) { obj[CurveNames[i]] = parseFloat(curve_data[CurveNames[i]][eachPt]) obj["DEPTH"] = parseFloat(depth[eachPt]) } array_of_obj.push(obj) } return array_of_obj }

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Added in commit https://github.com/JustinGOSSES/wellioviz/commit/c110fa7974bd64285fdaf170afc4835bae3338e3 & published as version 0.0.16

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Please check out the docs and make sure what I wrote is correct for how you intend to use that function. https://justingosses.github.io/wellioviz/#convertwelljsontoobjv2