JustinGOSSES / wellioviz

d3.js v5 visualization of well logs
Apache License 2.0
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changes by ehsan #88

Closed mehsan1 closed 3 years ago

mehsan1 commented 4 years ago


  1. Rectangle needed to have top/bottom depth not height
  2. Rectangles had to be plotted on random x-axis in case of multiple on same depth
  3. Title added hover line showing depth/curve values
  4. Simple Header introduced to have simple start/end values on scale
  5. click event added, to send/return depth of click on plot area to angualr/node/react component
  6. there are many others as well
JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Can we changed variable to not be named random as it isn't random but a fixed percentage? That could be very confusing for future developers.

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Really like the idea of that click event. Have you tested that in all those frameworks?

mehsan1 commented 4 years ago
  1. yes we can change the name, you can do that and it will not effect anything as it is in library.
  2. yes, I tested this click event in angular and it will work in all js frameworks.
JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

I see you use

"header_complex" let header_complex = template_overall["header_complex"] as a new variable. and "is_depth_track" in let is_depth_track = template_overall["is_depth_track"] as a new variable and well_id in let well_id = template_overall["well_id"]

They then need to be included in:

None of these functions are edited to include the new variables.

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Taking out lines: 923 & 925 in index.js .style('overflow-y',"auto") & .style('max-height',height_components+"px")

Would disable scroll.. is that intential? .style('max-height',height_components+"px")`

mehsan1 commented 4 years ago

yes remove 923 & 925 in index.js scroll will be handled by front end application

because multiple tracks will need to have one scroll.

mehsan1 commented 4 years ago

I see you use

"header_complex" let header_complex = template_overall["header_complex"] as a new variable. and "is_depth_track" in let is_depth_track = template_overall["is_depth_track"] as a new variable and well_id in let well_id = template_overall["well_id"]

They then need to be included in:

  • putIncomingSparseJsonIntoPlottingTemplate() function
  • getFakeIncomingSparseDataExample() function
  • curveBoxTemplateExamples() function

None of these functions are edited to include the new variables.

Ok I will do this and push changes

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Also, can we have the default behavior be the depth track is shown?

Right now the depth track doesn't show at all if the depth_track variable is missing. That will confuse new developers. Better behavior is to have it shown by default and only take off if there is a variable that tells it to have that behavior.

JustinGOSSES commented 3 years ago

Too many complete and partial changes in here....so will close and attempt to reuse some of the improvements later individually