JustinGOSSES / wellioviz

d3.js v5 visualization of well logs
Apache License 2.0
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Add browserify as a dependency and a script to run #92

Closed dcslagel closed 4 years ago

dcslagel commented 4 years ago


Now that browserify is needed to create bundle.js, adding it to package.json

Related Issue

Commit: https://github.com/JustinGOSSES/wellioviz/commit/af4d79c5d740132175a8e918dec69cae93aab51a adds instructions for using browserify to generate bundle.js.

Motivation and Context

This change add browserify to package.json so that it is available as needed in development and deployment. Additionally, this change adds the browserify command to package.json[scripts] so that one can run: npm run make_bundle to generate docs/js/bundle.js

Types of changes



Let me know if this change could be accepted (or rejected) or needs some additional changes before being approved and merged.

Thank you, DC