JustinGOSSES / wellioviz

d3.js v5 visualization of well logs
Apache License 2.0
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Add menu buttons for all major LAS UI components #96

Closed dcslagel closed 4 years ago

dcslagel commented 4 years ago


This pull request changes the demo display to have a set of menu buttons just under the header. The individual user interface components are only visible when the user has selected that item from the menu. This enables the user to focus only on the current activity. The buttons are arranged in general task order.

Related Issue

This change is a minor subset of #37 (sync demo with index.js)

Motivation and Context

This change organizes the Demo's user interface.

Types of changes


Let me know if this change could be accepted (or rejected) or needs some additional changes before being approved and merged.

Thank you, DC

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Like where this is going.

However, it does lead to a more confusing UI for a new user. I'll merge than do some edits.

dcslagel commented 4 years ago

Yep, that sounds good!

This was definitely an intermediate step toward a future UI. I'll look forward to see your further edits.

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Some edits deployed https://justingosses.github.io/wellioviz/demo.html