JustinGOSSES / wellioviz

d3.js v5 visualization of well logs
Apache License 2.0
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add configuration option such that developers can turn off behavior that removes any SVG that exists in the div where the curvebo is being appended #98

Closed JustinGOSSES closed 4 years ago

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Add configuration option such that developers can turn off behavior that removes any SVG that exists in the div where the curvebo is being appended

Describe the solution you'd like Should be a new top-level key:value pair in the JSON given to curveBox() function that is something like "removePriorSVG":"no". Where default is "yes" and if nothing is provided, behavior is "yes".

Describe alternatives you've considered The developer handles creation and deletion of a new div every time you want to make a new curvebox.

Additional context Ask

JustinGOSSES commented 4 years ago
