JustinSDK / dotSCAD

Reduce the burden of mathematics when playing OpenSCAD
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
780 stars 105 forks source link

RIP Lin Xinliang (Liang Gege) 1975~2022 #37

Open Spiritdude opened 1 year ago

Spiritdude commented 1 year ago


Thank you for the excellent OpenSCAD library.

ghost commented 1 year ago


gsnable commented 4 months ago

搜索Java新教材才获知林信良老师英年早逝的噩耗,真令人悲痛。初识林老师源自十多年前阅读《Java JDK 5.0学习笔记》,当时就觉得深入浅出、逻辑清晰、直击本质。他既翻译写书,又教育培训,看他博客文章,很多都有共鸣。林老师涉猎技术领域广、专业水平高、思想领悟深,这样的人才放在更广阔的舞台应该早为更多人所知,造福更多专业人,创造更大成就。