JustinTimperio / warp-cli

A CLI tool designed to make interacting with Facebook's Open Source Library "Warp Speed Data Transfer" fast and pain-free.
MIT License
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Installation for OSX Catalina Working-- #11

Closed iamh2o closed 3 years ago

iamh2o commented 3 years ago

I figured out how to get around a handful of bugs with the current WDT OSX codebase (contributed those to WDT), and tweaked this fork so I could write an OSX warp-cli install script (which I need more mac testers for, but it worked on my 2 laptops).

Minimal changes were made to warp, removed a few hard coded paths that don't play well with Mac's and removed the folly version reporting as one of the WDT fixes meant going to system folly.

I just sent a bunch of data around. I hope some OSX folks find this useful :-)


JustinTimperio commented 3 years ago

Hi @iamh2o,

First off thanks for the push. This is very helpful since I have no Mac to test on. I just have a few questions about the code.

  1. What is the point of warp_optimized.py over warp.py?
  2. I assume hardcoded paths are broke on Mac? I gave full paths to avoid path-hijacking
  3. Can you explain the file limit issue? That is not an issue i have observed on Linux so far.
iamh2o commented 3 years ago

1) Oh - oops, I didn't realize the optimized had been added. That can be discarded, it was setup for a very weird, very fussy old ubuntu 16 box(ARM too).

2) I eliminated the hardcoded paths b/c they are different on OSX, and due to a strange sys admin, different on our old ubuntu 16 server. I was not familiar with path hijacking.... I guess detecting paths with which is not better. Perhaps a cli config setting that can be over-ridden?

3) Oh- the file limit issue. I had vague WDT crashes totally unclear. I finally hit a lucky search for the line of code and the crash, and lo-and-behold, it was simply ulimit. This was ubuntu 20-18, one of the boxes had low default settings by the sysadmin.... i was sending something like 90,000 files. The limit there is actually probably too high, I had to tone it down one order of magnitude to work on the ubuntu 16 box.

JustinTimperio commented 3 years ago

Okay just remove the unused file and I will merge this.

iamh2o commented 3 years ago

hi-- sorry my time for fun coding evaporated for a few weeks. Thanks for chopping out that file. I hope this is useful to some folks!
