Justinezgh / ssnpe_desc_project

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NLE study #13

Open Justinezgh opened 1 year ago

Justinezgh commented 1 year ago

Affine NF needs less simulation than smooth one so now I focus on NLE method instead of NPE and here are some results (check #12 and #11 for comparison between NFs architecture and NPE vs NLE):

total_steps: 30000
simulation budget: 1000
exp_id: 0
seed: 2
n_flow_layers: 4
n_bijector_layers: 2
activ_fun: silu
lr_schedule: exp_decay
sbi method: nle
nf type: affine
batch size: 56
score_weight = 0 
proposal = 'prior'

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score_weight = 0 
proposal = 'ps'

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score_weight = 1e-4 
proposal = 'ps'

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score_weight = 1e-3
proposal = 'ps'

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score_weight = 1e-2
proposal = 'ps'

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script can be found here

Justinezgh commented 1 year ago

(reminder of previous results on lotka volterra:)
