Closed zbrak closed 4 months ago
Do you get any errors? since it was working for me with the most recent version.
Can confirm, the latest version broke something. 1:
1x AceLocale-3.0-6: NameplateSCT: Missing entry for 'Show Absorbed Damage'
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:1265: in main chunk
AceAddon = <table> {
initializequeue = <table> {
statuses = <table> {
embeds = <table> {
frame = AceAddon30Frame {
addons = <table> {
enablequeue = <table> {
LibEasing = <table> {
frame = Frame {
SharedMedia = <table> {
OverrideMedia = <table> {
callbacks = <table> {
MediaType = <table> {
LOCALE_BIT_western = 128
MediaTable = <table> {
DefaultMedia = <table> {
MediaList = <table> {
L = <table> {
BlizzardSCT = "BlizzardSCT"
Auto Attacks = "Auto Attacks"
Truncate Method:
Asia East:
10000=>1w = "Truncate Method:
Asia East:
Right = "Right"
Embiggen Crits = "Embiggen Crits"
Parried = "Parried"
Immune = "Immune"
Display Off-Target Text = "Display Off-Target Text"
Shake = "Shake"
Icon Scale = "Icon Scale"
Let Masuqe skin the icons = "Let Masuqe skin the icons"
Deflected = "Deflected"
Personal SCT Only = "Personal SCT Only"
Bottom = "Bottom"
Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Alpha = "Alpha"
%s (A: %s) = "%s (A: %s)"
Personal SCT = "Personal SCT"
Reflected = "Reflected"
Default Color = "Default Color"
Default speed: 1 = "Default speed: 1"
Bottom Right = "Bottom Right"
Show Absorbed Damage = "Show Absorbed Damage"
Show Truncated Letter = "Show Truncated Letter"
Appearance/Offsets = "Appearance/Offsets"
Display Overkill = "Display Overkill"
Disabled = "Disabled"
Hide hits that are below this threshold. = "Hide hits that are below this threshold."
Hide Hits Threshold = "Hide Hits Threshold"
High = "High"
Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number."
Y Variance = "Y Variance"
Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number."
Do Not Truncate = "Do Not Truncate"
Use Crit Color = "Use Crit Color"
X Variance = "X Variance"
Enable Masque = "Enable Masque"
Resisted = "Resisted"
Crit Color = "Crit Color"
Size = "Size"
Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Hide Small Hits = "Hide Small Hits"
Small Hits Scale = "Small Hits Scale"
Background = "Background"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
Icons = "Icons"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc"
Low = "Low"
Font = "Font"
Default = "Default"
Position = "Position"
Thick Outline = "Thick Outline"
Embiggen Crits Scale = "Embiggen Crits Scale"
Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox = "Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox"
Rainfall = "Rainfall"
NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman. = "NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman."
Criticals = "Criticals"
Off-Target Strata = "Off-Target Strata"
Off-Target Text Appearance = "Off-Target Text Appearance"
Enable = "Enable"
Icon X Offset = "Icon X Offset"
Left = "Left"
Top Right = "Top Right"
Scale Down Small Hits = "Scale Down Small Hits"
East Asia = "East Asia"
Western = "Western"
Target Strata = "Target Strata"
Truncate Letter East Asia = "Truncate Letter East Asia"
Truncate Number = "Truncate Number"
Display Icon = "Display Icon"
Text Shadow = "Text Shadow"
Animation Speed = "Animation Speed"
Only used if Personal Nameplate is Disabled = "Only used if Personal Nameplate is Disabled"
Y Offset Personal SCT = "Y Offset Personal SCT"
X Offset Personal SCT = "X Offset Personal SCT"
Comma Seperate = "Comma Seperate"
Monochrome Outline = "Monochrome Outline"
Fountain = "Fountain"
Icon Y Offset = "Icon Y Offset"
1x AceLocale-3.0-6: NameplateSCT: Missing entry for 'Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount'
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:1266: in main chunk
AceAddon = <table> {
initializequeue = <table> {
statuses = <table> {
embeds = <table> {
frame = AceAddon30Frame {
addons = <table> {
enablequeue = <table> {
LibEasing = <table> {
frame = Frame {
SharedMedia = <table> {
OverrideMedia = <table> {
callbacks = <table> {
MediaType = <table> {
LOCALE_BIT_western = 128
MediaTable = <table> {
DefaultMedia = <table> {
MediaList = <table> {
L = <table> {
BlizzardSCT = "BlizzardSCT"
Auto Attacks = "Auto Attacks"
Truncate Method:
Asia East:
10000=>1w = "Truncate Method:
Asia East:
Right = "Right"
Embiggen Crits = "Embiggen Crits"
Parried = "Parried"
Immune = "Immune"
Display Off-Target Text = "Display Off-Target Text"
Shake = "Shake"
Icon Scale = "Icon Scale"
Let Masuqe skin the icons = "Let Masuqe skin the icons"
Deflected = "Deflected"
Personal SCT Only = "Personal SCT Only"
Bottom = "Bottom"
Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Alpha = "Alpha"
%s (A: %s) = "%s (A: %s)"
Personal SCT = "Personal SCT"
Reflected = "Reflected"
Default Color = "Default Color"
Default speed: 1 = "Default speed: 1"
Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount = "Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount"
Bottom Right = "Bottom Right"
Show Absorbed Damage = "Show Absorbed Damage"
Show Truncated Letter = "Show Truncated Letter"
Appearance/Offsets = "Appearance/Offsets"
Display Overkill = "Display Overkill"
Disabled = "Disabled"
Hide hits that are below this threshold. = "Hide hits that are below this threshold."
Hide Hits Threshold = "Hide Hits Threshold"
High = "High"
Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number."
Y Variance = "Y Variance"
Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number."
Do Not Truncate = "Do Not Truncate"
Use Crit Color = "Use Crit Color"
X Variance = "X Variance"
Enable Masque = "Enable Masque"
Resisted = "Resisted"
Crit Color = "Crit Color"
Size = "Size"
Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Hide Small Hits = "Hide Small Hits"
Small Hits Scale = "Small Hits Scale"
Background = "Background"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
Icons = "Icons"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc"
Low = "Low"
Font = "Font"
Default = "Default"
Position = "Position"
Thick Outline = "Thick Outline"
Embiggen Crits Scale = "Embiggen Crits Scale"
Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox = "Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox"
Rainfall = "Rainfall"
NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman. = "NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman."
Criticals = "Criticals"
Off-Target Strata = "Off-Target Strata"
Off-Target Text Appearance = "Off-Target Text Appearance"
Enable = "Enable"
Icon X Offset = "Icon X Offset"
Left = "Left"
Top Right = "Top Right"
Scale Down Small Hits = "Scale Down Small Hits"
East Asia = "East Asia"
Western = "Western"
Target Strata = "Target Strata"
Truncate Letter East Asia = "Truncate Letter East Asia"
Truncate Number = "Truncate Number"
Display Icon = "Display Icon"
Text Shadow = "Text Shadow"
Animation Speed = "Animation Speed"
Only used if Personal Nameplate is Disabled = "Only used if Personal Nameplate is Disabled"
Y Offset Personal SCT = "Y Offset Personal SCT"
X Offset Personal SCT = "X Off
Continued 3:
13x NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua:898: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:898: in function `DamageEvent'
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:762: in function <NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua:738>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...Ons/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...Ons/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Ace3/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <Ace3/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
self = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
menu = Frame {
baseName = "NameplateSCT"
name = "NameplateSCT"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
defaultModuleState = true
frame = Frame {
guid = "Creature-0-3110-2444-612-198594-0001A29A9C"
spellName = "Flame Shock"
amount = 10775
overkill = -1
school = 12
crit = false
spellId = 188389
absorbed = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
playerGUID = "Player-3391-0ADFD3C5"
guidToUnit = <table> {
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-198594-0000229A9C = "nameplate5"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-194644-0000229A9C = "nameplate2"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-194648-0000229A9D = "nameplate1"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-198594-0001229A9C = "nameplate7"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-198594-0002229A9C = "nameplate9"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-194643-0000229A9C = "nameplate11"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-189632-0000229A9C = "nameplate10"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-198594-0001A29A9C = "nameplate8"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-198594-0000A29A9C = "nameplate6"
Creature-0-3110-2444-612-197833-0000229A9D = "nameplate3"
NameplateSCT = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
menu = Frame {
baseName = "NameplateSCT"
name = "NameplateSCT"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
defaultModuleState = true
frame = Frame {
L = <table> {
BlizzardSCT = "BlizzardSCT"
Auto Attacks = "Auto Attacks"
Truncate Method:
Asia East:
10000=>1w = "Truncate Method:
Asia East:
Right = "Right"
Embiggen Crits = "Embiggen Crits"
Parried = "Parried"
Immune = "Immune"
Display Off-Target Text = "Display Off-Target Text"
Shake = "Shake"
Icon Scale = "Icon Scale"
Let Masuqe skin the icons = "Let Masuqe skin the icons"
Deflected = "Deflected"
Personal SCT Only = "Personal SCT Only"
Bottom = "Bottom"
Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Alpha = "Alpha"
%s (A: %s) = "%s (A: %s)"
Personal SCT = "Personal SCT"
Reflected = "Reflected"
Default Color = "Default Color"
Default speed: 1 = "Default speed: 1"
Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount = "Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount"
Bottom Right = "Bottom Right"
Show Absorbed Damage = "Show Absorbed Damage"
Show Truncated Letter = "Show Truncated Letter"
Appearance/Offsets = "Appearance/Offsets"
Display Overkill = "Display Overkill"
Disabled = "Disabled"
Hide hits that are below this threshold. = "Hide hits that are below this threshold."
Hide Hits Threshold = "Hide Hits Threshold"
High = "High"
Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number."
Y Variance = "Y Variance"
Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number."
Do Not Truncate = "Do Not Truncate"
Use Crit Color = "Use Crit Color"
X Variance = "X Variance"
Enable Masque = "Enable Masque"
Resisted = "Resisted"
Crit Color = "Crit Color"
Size = "Size"
Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Hide Small Hits = "Hide Small Hits"
Small Hits Scale = "Small Hits Scale"
Background = "Background"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
Icons = "Icons"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc = "Embig
Similar - disabling askmrrobot addon but no difference.
423x NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua:898: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:898: in function `DamageEvent'
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:762: in function <NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua:738>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@AskMrRobot/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:145: in function <>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:13: in function `?'
[string "@AskMrRobot/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:90: in function `Fire'
[string "@AskMrRobot/Libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <AskMrRobot/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
self = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
menu = Frame {
baseName = "NameplateSCT"
name = "NameplateSCT"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
defaultModuleState = true
frame = Frame {
guid = "Creature-0-4219-2444-2277-187494-000022B857"
spellName = "Conflagrate"
amount = 246
overkill = -1
school = 4
crit = false
spellId = 17962
absorbed = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
playerGUID = "Player-3678-0DCACDD8"
guidToUnit = <table> {
Creature-0-4219-2444-2277-187494-000022B857 = "nameplate1"
NameplateSCT = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
menu = Frame {
baseName = "NameplateSCT"
name = "NameplateSCT"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
defaultModuleState = true
frame = Frame {
L = <table> {
BlizzardSCT = "BlizzardSCT"
Auto Attacks = "Auto Attacks"
Truncate Method:
Asia East:
10000=>1w = "Truncate Method:
Asia East:
Right = "Right"
Embiggen Crits = "Embiggen Crits"
Parried = "Parried"
Immune = "Immune"
Display Off-Target Text = "Display Off-Target Text"
Shake = "Shake"
Icon Scale = "Icon Scale"
Let Masuqe skin the icons = "Let Masuqe skin the icons"
Deflected = "Deflected"
Personal SCT Only = "Personal SCT Only"
Bottom = "Bottom"
Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Alpha = "Alpha"
%s (A: %s) = "%s (A: %s)"
Personal SCT = "Personal SCT"
Reflected = "Reflected"
Default Color = "Default Color"
Default speed: 1 = "Default speed: 1"
Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount = "Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount"
Bottom Right = "Bottom Right"
Show Absorbed Damage = "Show Absorbed Damage"
Show Truncated Letter = "Show Truncated Letter"
Appearance/Offsets = "Appearance/Offsets"
Display Overkill = "Display Overkill"
Disabled = "Disabled"
Hide hits that are below this threshold. = "Hide hits that are below this threshold."
Hide Hits Threshold = "Hide Hits Threshold"
High = "High"
Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number."
Y Variance = "Y Variance"
Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number."
Do Not Truncate = "Do Not Truncate"
Use Crit Color = "Use Crit Color"
X Variance = "X Variance"
Enable Masque = "Enable Masque"
Resisted = "Resisted"
Crit Color = "Crit Color"
Size = "Size"
Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Hide Small Hits = "Hide Small Hits"
Small Hits Scale = "Small Hits Scale"
Background = "Background"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
Icons = "Icons"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc"
Low = "Low"
Font = "Font"
Default = "Default"
Position = "Position"
Thick Outline = "Thick Outline"
Embiggen Crits Scale = "Embiggen Crits Scale"
Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox = "Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox"
Rainfall = "Rainfall"
NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman. = "NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman."
Criticals = "Criticals"
@Nikyou What truncate method do you use?
the locale errors arn't stopping the addon from working.
@Justw8 Western with Show Truncated Letter
Yup same as above. And as I get into combat it just keeps stacking up errors until out of combat. No text is seen from NSCT.
What if you swap the truncate number setting to something else, and then back to western? does that fix it?
(I cycled through all new locale options in my troubleshooting btw - no dice)
@Justw8 Nope
I can try and look into the code to see problem areas that make errors
I think I have spotted the place why it goes wrong. I thought I fixed it but it looks like I messed something up somewhere.
Same here! Exactly the same error.
1x AceLocale-3.0-6: NameplateSCT: Missing entry for 'Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount'
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:1266: in main chunk
AceAddon = <table> {
initializequeue = <table> {
statuses = <table> {
embeds = <table> {
frame = AceAddon30Frame {
addons = <table> {
enablequeue = <table> {
LibEasing = <table> {
frame = Frame {
SharedMedia = <table> {
OverrideMedia = <table> {
callbacks = <table> {
MediaType = <table> {
LOCALE_BIT_western = 128
MediaTable = <table> {
DefaultMedia = <table> {
MediaList = <table> {
L = <table> {
BlizzardSCT = "BlizzardSCT"
Auto Attacks = "Auto Attacks"
Truncate Method:
Asia East:
10000=>1w = "Truncate Method:
Asia East:
Right = "Right"
Embiggen Crits = "Embiggen Crits"
Parried = "Parried"
Immune = "Immune"
Display Off-Target Text = "Display Off-Target Text"
Shake = "Shake"
Icon Scale = "Icon Scale"
Let Masuqe skin the icons = "Let Masuqe skin the icons"
Deflected = "Deflected"
Personal SCT Only = "Personal SCT Only"
Bottom = "Bottom"
Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Alpha = "Alpha"
%s (A: %s) = "%s (A: %s)"
Personal SCT = "Personal SCT"
Reflected = "Reflected"
Default Color = "Default Color"
Default speed: 1 = "Default speed: 1"
Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount = "Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount"
Bottom Right = "Bottom Right"
Show Absorbed Damage = "Show Absorbed Damage"
Show Truncated Letter = "Show Truncated Letter"
Appearance/Offsets = "Appearance/Offsets"
Display Overkill = "Display Overkill"
Disabled = "Disabled"
Hide hits that are below this threshold. = "Hide hits that are below this threshold."
Hide Hits Threshold = "Hide Hits Threshold"
High = "High"
Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting vertical position of each damage number."
Y Variance = "Y Variance"
Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number. = "Randomly varies the starting horizontal position of each damage number."
Do Not Truncate = "Do Not Truncate"
Use Crit Color = "Use Crit Color"
X Variance = "X Variance"
Enable Masque = "Enable Masque"
Resisted = "Resisted"
Crit Color = "Crit Color"
Size = "Size"
Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Hide hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Hide Small Hits = "Hide Small Hits"
Small Hits Scale = "Small Hits Scale"
Background = "Background"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc Scale"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
Icons = "Icons"
Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc = "Embiggen Miss/Parry/Dodge/etc"
Low = "Low"
Font = "Font"
Default = "Default"
Position = "Position"
Thick Outline = "Thick Outline"
Embiggen Crits Scale = "Embiggen Crits Scale"
Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox = "Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox"
Rainfall = "Rainfall"
NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman. = "NPC id (eg: 23682) seperated by line
The example is the Headless Horseman."
Criticals = "Criticals"
Off-Target Strata = "Off-Target Strata"
Off-Target Text Appearance = "Off-Target Text Appearance"
Enable = "Enable"
Icon X Offset = "Icon X Offset"
Left = "Left"
Top Right = "Top Right"
Scale Down Small Hits = "Scale Down Small Hits"
East Asia = "East Asia"
Western = "Western"
Target Strata = "Target Strata"
Truncate Letter East Asia = "Truncate Letter East Asia"
Truncate Number = "Truncate Number"
Display Icon = "Display Icon"
Text Shadow = "Text Shadow"
Animation Speed = "Animation Speed"
Only used if Personal Nameplate is Disabled = "Only used if Personal Nameplate is Disabled"
Y Offset Personal SCT = "Y Offset Personal SCT"
X Offset Personal SCT = "X Off
Please try v1.38 when it's up, if you still get errors with that version I can look again 👍
When is v1.38 planned to be released? Seems like I'm having same issues like others. I cleared cache, settings variable and reinstalled addon but still the same error with absorb thing or nill value
should be up any minute, you can also grab latest alpha. Has the same code, but not the version bump yet.
You can also download the zip on github from the releases
please let me know if it did fix it, then we can close this again.
it's up there now too.
Fixed it for me! \o/
Closing this then thanks for reporting!
It fixed partially for me got this error as soon as I attempted to do some damage to someone:
35x NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua:925: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:925: in function `DamageEvent'
[string "@NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua"]:771: in function <NameplateSCT/NameplateSCT.lua:739>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Bartender4/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...er4/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Bartender4/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...er4/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Bartender4/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Bartender4/libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <Bartender4/libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
self = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
menu = Frame {
baseName = "NameplateSCT"
name = "NameplateSCT"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
defaultModuleState = true
frame = Frame {
guid = "Creature-0-1461-1-3834-5429-000022C886"
spellName = "Flame Shock"
amount = 3209187
overkill = 3207092
school = 12
crit = false
spellId = 188389
absorbed = nil
amount = 3209187
absorbed = 0
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 3209187
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
playerGUID = "Player-1403-098A4A10"
guidToUnit = <table> {
Creature-0-1461-1-3834-5429-000022C886 = "nameplate1"
NameplateSCT = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
menu = Frame {
baseName = "NameplateSCT"
name = "NameplateSCT"
orderedModules = <table> {
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
defaultModuleState = true
frame = Frame {
L = <table> {
BlizzardSCT = "BlizzardSCT"
Auto Attacks = "Auto Attacks"
Truncate Method:
Asia East:
10000=>1w = "Truncate Method:
Asia East:
Right = "Right"
Embiggen Crits = "Embiggen Crits"
Parried = "Parried"
Immune = "Immune"
Display Off-Target Text = "Display Off-Target Text"
Shake = "Shake"
Icon Scale = "Icon Scale"
Let Masuqe skin the icons = "Let Masuqe skin the icons"
Font Flags = "Font Flags"
NPCs = "NPCs"
Hide Small Hits = "Hide Small Hits"
Bottom = "Bottom"
Y Variance = "Y Variance"
Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output = "Scale down hits that are below a running average of your recent damage output"
Alpha = "Alpha"
%s (A: %s) = "%s (A: %s)"
Personal SCT = "Personal SCT"
Reflected = "Reflected"
Default Color = "Default Color"
Default speed: 1 = "Default speed: 1"
Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount = "Show Absorbed Damage shown as: '5 (A: 3)' where A: 3 is the absorbed amount"
Bottom Right = "Bottom Right"
Y Offset = "Y Offset"
Show Truncated Letter = "Show Truncated Letter"
Appearance/Offsets = "Appearance/Offsets"
Display Overkill = "Display Overkill"
Disabled = "Disabled"
Y Offset Personal SCT = "Y Offset Personal SCT"
X Variance = "X Variance"
High = "High"
X Offset = "X Offset"
X Offset Personal SCT = "X Offset Personal SCT"
Western = "Western"
Do Not Truncate = "Do Not Truncate"
Use Crit Color = "Use Crit Color"
Vertical Up = "Vertical Up"
Enable Masque = "Enable Masque"
Resisted = "Resisted"
Vertical Down = "Vertical Down"
Size = "Size"
Rainfall = "Rainfall"
Use Separate Off-Target Strata = "Use Separate Off-Target Strata"
Use Damage Type Color = "Use Damage Type Color"
Truncate Number = "Truncate Number"
Truncate Letter East Asia = "Truncate Letter East Asia"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
Hide hits that are below this threshold. = "Hide hits that are below this threshold."
Top = "Top"
Low = "Low"
Font = "Font"
Default = "Default"
Position = "Position"
Thick Outline = "Thick Outline"
Text Shadow = "Text Shadow"
Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox = "Has soft max/min, you can type whatever you'd like into the editbox"
Bottom Left = "Bottom Left"
Embiggen Crits Scale = "Embiggen Crits Scale"
Top Left = "Top Left"
Off-Target Strata = "Off-Target Strata"
Off-Target Text Appearance = "Off-Target Text Appearance"
Enable = "Enable"
Criticals = "Criticals"
Left = "Left"
Top Right = "Top Right"
Scale Down Small Hits = "Scale Down Small Hits"
Icon X Offset = "Icon X Offset"
Spells = "Spells"
Target Strata = "Target Strata"
Spellid/Spellname seperated by line
White hits/melee = melee = "Spellid/Spellname seperated by line
White hits/melee
I'm also unable to open /nsct options panel. With a different error. Do you want me to open another issue?
Same error
yes please open a new issue if you still get an error with 1.38 please
(I did just spot another issue with it, tagged 1.39)
@Justw8 #38 seems to have broken the addon for me. Unable to see any text in normal mode. I do get text in BlizzardSCT mode.
Reinstalled addon, cleared saved variables. Was working yeterday.