Jutho / KrylovKit.jl

Krylov methods for linear problems, eigenvalues, singular values and matrix functions
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specify dot product #20

Closed rveltz closed 5 years ago

rveltz commented 5 years ago


Is it possible to pass a dot product in eigsolve ?

This is useful for me because I know a dot product for which the operator is hermitian.

Thank you for your help,


Jutho commented 5 years ago

Not directly, but there is a simple wrapper type available in KrylovKit, though it's not really documented: https://github.com/Jutho/KrylovKit.jl/blob/master/src/innerproductvec.jl

So just call InnerProductVec(your_vector, your_dot_function) and this should work automatically. your_vector can still be any type of vector that KrylovKit accepts.

rveltz commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your prompt answer.

But then I pass this struct to what?

Jutho commented 5 years ago

Just use this new vector of the InnerProductVec type in eigsolve, together with wathever linear operator you had (matrix, sparse matrix, arbitrary function). At the end of the calculation, extract the vector(s) by saying (untested, but something like this should work)

eigvals, eigvecs, ... = eigsolve(...)
eigvecs = getfield.(eigvecs, :vec)
rveltz commented 5 years ago

Thank you!

Jutho commented 5 years ago

Let me know if you run into any problems, cause this functionality is not well tested.

rveltz commented 5 years ago

OK. Here is what I used

using KrylovKit
@time KrylovKit.eigsolve(x -> J(x), AF(rand(TY,size(Iext))), 5,:LR;issymmetric = false, verbosity = 2, krylovdim = 25, tol = 1e-5, maxiter = 10) #~80seconds

@time KrylovKit.eigsolve(x -> J(x), AF(rand(TY,size(Iext))), 5,:LR;issymmetric = true, verbosity = 2, krylovdim = 25, tol = 1e-5, maxiter = 10) #~65seconds

newVecDot = KrylovKit.InnerProductVec(AF(rand(TY,size(Iext))), dot)
@time KrylovKit.eigsolve(x -> KrylovKit.InnerProductVec(J(x.vec), dot) , newVecDot, 5,:LR;issymmetric = true, verbosity = 2, krylovdim = 25, tol = 1e-5, maxiter = 10) #19 ~78 seconds

I seem to lose the benefit of using issymmetric = true but the eigenvalues seem the same

Jutho commented 5 years ago

If the eigenvalues are reported as real numbers (i.e. Float64 instead of ComplexF64) it does use the symmetric (i.e. Lanczos) algorithm. But maybe some other problem is at play; this would require benchmarking. Norm is computed as the square root of dot for InnerProductVec. What is AF in your code? For plain Arrays as vectors, certain operations are computed more efficiently.

rveltz commented 5 years ago

AF = Array{Float64}

The differences in timing are due to using InnerProductVec instead of Array{Float64}. It seems a big difference. Note that size(Iext) = (256, 256, 64) so wrapping time in InnerProductVec should be negligeable.

Jutho commented 5 years ago

Do you have multithreading enabled? As said, Array follows a different code path and tries to apply BLAS level 2 like algorithms for doing the orthogonalisation with respect to the existing Krylov basis, and I guess this is lost when wrapping them in InnerProductVec.

rveltz commented 5 years ago

Yes! Thank you for the hint. So I guess it might be better (for speed reasons) to code another version of the linear operator and keep the canonical scalar product.

Jutho commented 5 years ago

Or make a custom wrapper, that is a subtype of AbstractArray and has linear indexing (these are the properties that determine the fast code path), i.e. it should have (again, untested)

struct MyInnerProductVec{T,N,F,A<:AbstractArray{T,N}} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
# everything from innerproductvec.jl
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:MyInnerProductVec}) = IndexLinear()
Base.size(a::MyInnerProductVec, I...) = size(a.vec, I...)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(a::MyInnerProductVec, I...) = getindex(a.vec, I...)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(a::MyInnerProductVec, v, I...) = setindex!(a.vec, v, I...)
Jutho commented 5 years ago

Did this work or did you not have time to try?

rveltz commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I have not found the time to try yet