Jutho / TensorOperations.jl

Julia package for tensor contractions and related operations
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howto use index notation so it compares to numpy.einsum #10

Closed faroit closed 7 years ago

faroit commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your great effort. I just tried the staged branch (#8) on julia 0.4:

A = randn(2000, 10)
B = randn(2000, 10)
C = randn(2000, 10)

@tensor V[a,b,c] := A[a,k]*B[b,k]*C[c,k]

results in

LoadError: TensorOperations.IndexError{ASCIIString}("invalid contraction pattern: (:a,:b) * (:c,:k) to (:a,:b,:c)")

whereas in python/numpy

A = np.random.randn(200, 10)
B = np.random.randn(200, 10)
C = np.random.randn(200, 10)
V = np.einsum('ak,bk,ck->abc', A, B, C)


I guess I did not fully understand the way TensorOperations works. Since the example above is the very popular PARAFAC/CANDECOMP product, it would make sense to include it in the readme.

Jutho commented 8 years ago

I would say that simultaneously summing over an index at three places is not a proper contraction in the sense of tensor operations. Also, from the computational point of view, it is really different as your requested operation cannot be computed as a matrix multiplication (i.e. BLAS) and really requires manual for loops.

I have been thinking about writing a different macro which could accept such expressions and turn them into for loops, but this really requires a completely different approach and is not a simple modification. While such a macro could handle your use case, for normal contractions (i.e. involving the contracted index on only two places), it would typically be less efficient than the current @tensor macro.

In order to use this package for your purpose for now, you could define a tensor I = zeros(100,100,100); for n=1:100; I[n,n,n]=1;end and then you could write @tensor V[a,b,c] := A[a,k]*B[b,l]*C[c,m]*I[k,l,m] though I guess the explicit loops will be more efficient.

ahwillia commented 8 years ago

@faroit @Jutho - See some (very) preliminary code for solving this problem here: https://github.com/ahwillia/Einsum.jl

Let me know what you think.

Jutho commented 8 years ago

Dear @ahwillia. That looks nice indeed. I'll study the code in detail somewhat later, but I certainly would not mind having this in TensorOperations.jl, unless you prefer to publish it as a separate package.

faroit commented 8 years ago

@ahwillia I find this is really useful. This is really great! Currently, I am having some speed issues compared to numpy einsum. But let's move discussion to your package for now.