Juyong / CaricatureFace

The source code for paper "Landmark Detection and 3D Face Reconstruction for Caricature using a Nonlinear Parametric Model".
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landmarks don't match image size in example data #9

Closed invisprints closed 4 years ago

invisprints commented 4 years ago

All images in exp.zip are of size 224x224,but landmarks files seem not. image

RainbowRui commented 4 years ago

Sorry, it's my problem. I put the original 68 landmarks in the folder. Maybe you can see our testset. Thanks!

invisprints commented 4 years ago

Ok, another question is that the model will update the indices of 3D silhouette landmarks in your paper for correspondences between 3D vertices and 2D landmarks(Fig. 6 in paper), I wonder how it works in code, I haven't found it. Thank you very much if you could help me.

RainbowRui commented 4 years ago

Yes. Due to COVID-19, I left some data (such as the nominated points of the silhouette) behind the school, so I didn't put that in our code. Maybe you can follow this function to renew the points of silhouette, but you have to label the nominated points manually. I feel sorry for that.

#V_NUM              the number of vertices
#euler_angle        a euler_angle tensor with size (m,3)
#scale              a scale tensor with size (m,1)
#trans              a translation matrix with size (m,2)
#points             a point tensor with size (m,3,V_NUM)
#parallel           a long tensor with size (17,4)
#best_51            a long tensor with size (51)
def FittingIndicesPlus(euler_angle, scale, trans, points, parallel, best_51):
    batch_size = euler_angle.shape[0]
    theta = euler_angle[:,0].reshape(-1,1,1)
    phi = euler_angle[:,1].reshape(-1,1,1)
    psi = euler_angle[:,2].reshape(-1,1,1)
    one = torch.ones(batch_size,1,1).to(euler_angle.device)
    zero = torch.zeros(batch_size, 1, 1).to(euler_angle.device)
    rot_x = torch.cat((
        torch.cat((zero,theta.cos(), theta.sin()),1),
    rot_y = torch.cat((
        torch.cat((zero,one, zero),1),
    rot_z = torch.cat((
        torch.cat((-psi.sin(),psi.cos(), zero),1),
    rot = torch.bmm(rot_z, torch.bmm(rot_y,rot_x))

    rott_geo = torch.bmm(rot, points)
    mu = points

    parallel_ids = parallel.reshape(-1)
    parallels_vertex = torch.index_select(mu, 2, parallel_ids)
    parallels_xy_t = torch.bmm(scale.reshape(-1,1,1)*rot[:,0:2,:].reshape(-1,2,3), parallels_vertex)
    parallels_xy_t += trans.reshape(-1,2,1).expand_as(parallels_xy_t)
    parallels_xy = torch.cat((parallels_xy_t[:,0,:].reshape(-1,1), parallels_xy_t[:,1,:].reshape(-1,1)), 1).reshape(-1,68,2)
    front_part = parallels_xy[:,0:32,0].view(-1,8,parallel.shape[1])
    behind_part = parallels_xy[:,32:68,0].view(-1,9,parallel.shape[1])
    _, min_ids = torch.min(front_part,2)
    _, max_ids = torch.max(behind_part,2)
    ids = torch.cat((min_ids, max_ids), 1)
    parallels_xy = parallels_xy.view(-1, parallel.shape[1],2)
    landmarks = parallels_xy[torch.arange(0, parallels_xy.shape[0]).to(ids.device), ids.view(-1),:].reshape(batch_size,-1,2)

    idx_51 = best_51
    vertex = torch.index_select(mu, 2, idx_51)
    xy_t = torch.bmm(scale.reshape(-1,1,1)*rot[:,0:2,:].reshape(-1,2,3), vertex)
    xy_t += trans.reshape(-1,2,1).expand_as(xy_t)
    xy = torch.cat((xy_t[:,0,:].reshape(-1,1), xy_t[:,1,:].reshape(-1,1)), 1).reshape(-1,51,2)

    landmarks = torch.cat((landmarks,xy),1)

    return rot, landmarks

The parallel is a (17, 4) tensor (3D indices), which means each silhouette point has 4 nominated points (you can change the number). Then best_51 is other 51 landmarks (3D indices, 68 - 17 = 51).

invisprints commented 4 years ago

Nice work, thank you!

RainbowRui commented 4 years ago

You are welcome. I did not very good before, but I will improve in the feature.