Jwcp2424 / Go-Away-in-the-name-ofJehovah-

True God is Jehovah €¥¥^€^ππ°€€¥π¥¥°÷
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Open Jwcp2424 opened 2 years ago

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Jwcp2424 commented 2 years ago

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2  “Blow a horn in Zion!aShout a war cry in my holy mountain.Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,For the day of Jehovah is coming!b It is near! 2  It is a day of darkness and gloom,cA day of clouds and thick gloom,dLike light of dawn spreading out on the mountains.There is a people numerous and mighty;eNever before has there been one like it,And never again will there be anotherThrough the years of all generations. 3  Ahead of it a fire devours,And behind it a flame consumes.fThe land ahead of it is like the garden of Eʹden,gBut behind it is a desolate wilderness,And nothing can escape. 4  Its appearance is like the appearance of horses,And they run like warhorses.h 5  The sound is like that of chariots as they leap on the mountaintops,iLike the crackling of a blazing fire that consumes stubble.It is like a mighty people drawn up in battle formation.j 6  Because of them, peoples will be in anguish.Every face will grow flushed. 7  They charge like warriors,They scale a wall like soldiers,Each keeps to his own course,And they do not swerve from their paths. 8  They do not shove one another;Each man advances in his course.If the weapons cause some to fall,The others do not break ranks. 9  Into the city they rush, on the wall they run.Onto the houses they climb, through the windows they enter like a thief.10  Before them the land trembles and the heavens rock.Sun and moon have become dark,kAnd the stars have lost their brightness.11  Jehovah will raise his voice before his army,l for his camp is very numerous.mFor the one carrying out His word is mighty;For the day of Jehovah is great and very awe-inspiring.nWho can endure it?”o12  “Yet even now,” declares Jehovah, “return to me with all your hearts,pWith fastingq and weeping and wailing.13  Rip apart your hearts,r and not your garments,sAnd return to Jehovah your God,For he is compassionate and merciful, slow to angert and abundant in loyal love,uAnd he will reconsider the calamity.14  Who knows whether he will turn back and reconsidervAnd leave behind a blessing,A grain offering and a drink offering for Jehovah your God?15  Blow a horn in Zion!Proclaim a fast; call for a solemn assembly.w16  Gather the people; sanctify the congregation.xCollect the old men; gather the children and nursing infants.yLet the bridegroom go out from his inner chamber, and the bride from her bridal chamber.17  Between the porch and the altarzLet the priests, the ministers of Jehovah, weep and say:‘Do feel pity, O Jehovah, for your people;Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn,Letting the nations rule over them.Why should the peoples say, “Where is their God?”’a18  Then Jehovah will be zealous for his landAnd show compassion on his people.b19  Jehovah will answer his people:‘Here I am sending to you grain and new wine and oil,And you will be fully satisfied;cI will no longer make you a reproach among the nations.d20  I will drive the northerner far away from you;I will disperse him to a dry and desolate wasteland,With his vanguard toward the eastern seaAnd his rear guard toward the western sea.The foul smell from him will ascend,The stench from him will keep ascending;eFor He will do great things.’21  Do not be afraid, O land.Be joyful and rejoice, for Jehovah will do great things.22  Do not be afraid, you beasts of the field,For the pastures of the wilderness will become green,fAnd the trees will bear fruit;gThe fig tree and the vine must give their full yield.h23  You sons of Zion, be joyful and rejoice in Jehovah your God;iFor he will give you the autumn rain in the right amount,And he will send upon you a downpour,The autumn rain and the spring rain, as before.j24  The threshing floors will be full of pure grain,And the presses will overflow with new wine and oil.k25  And I will make compensation to you for the yearsThat the swarming locust, the unwinged locust, the voracious locust, and the devouring locust have eaten,My great army that I sent among you.l26  You will surely eat to satisfaction,mAnd you will praise the name of Jehovah your God,nWho has done wonders in your behalf;My people will never again be put to shame.o27  And you will have to know that I am in the midst of IsraelpAnd that I am Jehovah your Godq—there is no other!My people will never again be put to shame.28  After that I will pour out my spiritr on every sort of flesh,And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,Your old men will dream dreams,And your young men will see visions.s29  And even on my male slaves and female slavesI will pour out my spirit in those days.30  And I will give wonders* in the heavens and on the earth,Blood and fire and columns of smoke.t31  The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blooduBefore the coming of the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah.v32  And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved;wFor on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape,x just as Jehovah has said,The survivors whom Jehovah calls.”




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Study Pane

Joel Outline

Jehovah’s day and his great army (1-11)

A call to return to Jehovah (12-17)

“Rip apart your hearts” (13)

Jehovah’s response to his people (18-32)

“I will pour out my spirit” (28)

Wonders in heaven and on earth (30)

Those calling on Jehovah’s name will be saved (32)

Joel 2:1


Or “earth.”

Marginal References

a Eze 33:2, 3; Am 3:6

b Zep 1:14; Zep 1:16; Mal 4:1

Joel 2:2

Marginal References

c Am 5:18; Am 5:20

d Zep 1:15

e Joe 1:6

Joel 2:3

Marginal References

f Joe 1:19

g Ge 2:8

Joel 2:4

Marginal References

h Re 9:7

Joel 2:5

Marginal References

i Re 9:9

j Pr 30:27

Joel 2:8


Or “missiles.”

Joel 2:10

Marginal References

k Joe 2:31; Mt 24:29; Lu 21:25; Re 9:2

Joel 2:11

Marginal References

l Joe 2:25

m Joe 2:2

n Jer 30:7; Am 5:18; Zep 1:15

o Re 6:16, 17

Joel 2:12

Marginal References

p Jer 4:1; Ho 12:6; Ho 14:1, 2

q 1Sa 7:6; 2Ch 20:3

Joel 2:13


Or “gracious.”

Or “feel regret over.”

Marginal References

r 2Ki 22:18, 19; Ps 51:17; Isa 57:15

s 2Sa 1:11, 12

t Isa 48:9

u Ex 34:6; Nu 14:18; Ne 9:17; Ps 106:44, 45; Mic 7:18, 19

Joel 2:14


Or “feel regret.”

Marginal References

v 2Ch 30:8, 9; Jer 18:7, 8; Zep 2:2, 3

Joel 2:15


Lit., “Sanctify.”

Marginal References

w Joe 1:14

Joel 2:16


Or “the elders.”

Marginal References

x Ex 19:10

y De 31:12; 2Ch 20:3; 2Ch 20:13

Joel 2:17

Marginal References

z 2Ch 8:12

a De 32:26, 27; Ps 79:9, 10; Mic 7:10

Joel 2:18

Marginal References

b De 32:36; Isa 60:10; La 3:22; Ho 11:8

Joel 2:19

Marginal References

c Isa 62:8, 9; Am 9:13; Mal 3:10

d Eze 34:29; Eze 36:15

Joel 2:20


Lit., “face.”

That is, the Dead Sea.

That is, the Mediterranean Sea.

Marginal References

e Isa 34:2, 3

Joel 2:22

Marginal References

f Isa 30:23; Isa 51:3

g Eze 34:27

h Am 9:14; Zec 8:12

Joel 2:23

Marginal References

i Isa 12:6; Zec 10:7

j Le 26:4; De 11:14

Joel 2:24

Marginal References

k Le 26:10; Am 9:13; Mal 3:10

Joel 2:25

Marginal References

l Joe 1:4

Joel 2:26

Marginal References

m Le 26:5

n De 26:10, 11

o Zep 3:11

Joel 2:27

Marginal References

p Ps 46:5

q Le 26:11, 12; Eze 37:26, 27

Joel 2:28

Marginal References

r Isa 32:15; Isa 44:3; Eze 39:29

s Ac 2:16-18

Joel 2:30


Or “portents.”

Marginal References

t Ac 2:19, 20

Joel 2:31

Marginal References

u Mt 24:29; Mr 13:24, 25; Lu 21:25; Re 6:12

v Zep 1:14, 15; Mal 4:5

Joel 2:32

Marginal References

w Ac 2:21; Ro 10:13

x Ob 1:17


Jwcp2424 commented 2 years ago
