Jwcp2424 / Go-Away-in-the-name-ofJehovah-

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Postcard from Google Earth #521

Open Jwcp2424 opened 2 years ago

Jwcp2424 commented 2 years ago

googleearth https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2f%4033.60922908,-84.34857461,283.0551253a,857.03876242d,35y,11.55310988h,0t,0r[]()Skip to content

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10  “Israel is a degenerate vine yielding its fruit.aThe more his fruit increases, the more he multiplies his altars;bThe better his land produces, the more splendid his sacred pillars.c 2  Their heart is hypocritical;Now they will be found guilty.There is one who will break their altars and destroy their pillars. 3  Now they will say, ‘We have no king,d for we have not feared Jehovah.And what could a king do for us?’ 4  They speak empty words, make false oaths,e and make covenants;So the judgment that springs up is like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.f 5  The residents of Sa·marʹi·a will fear for the calf idol of Beth-aʹven.gIts people will mourn over it,As will its foreign-god priests who rejoiced over it and its glory,For it will go away from them into exile. 6  It will be brought to As·syrʹi·a as a gift to a great king.hEʹphra·im will be put to shame,And Israel will be ashamed because of the advice it followed.i 7  Sa·marʹi·a and her king will certainly be done away with,*jLike a snapped-off twig on the surface of waters. 8  The high places of Beth-aʹven,k

Jwcp2424 commented 2 years ago

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10  “Israel is a degenerate vine yielding its fruit.aThe more his fruit increases, the more he multiplies his altars;bThe better his land produces, the more splendid his sacred pillars.c 2  Their heart is hypocritical;Now they will be found guilty.There is one who will break their altars and destroy their pillars. 3  Now they will say, ‘We have no king,d for we have not feared Jehovah.And what could a king do for us?’ 4  They speak empty words, make false oaths,e and make covenants;So the judgment that springs up is like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.f 5  The residents of Sa·marʹi·a will fear for the calf idol of Beth-aʹven.gIts people will mourn over it,As will its foreign-god priests who rejoiced over it and its glory,For it will go away from them into exile. 6  It will be brought to As·syrʹi·a as a gift to a great king.hEʹphra·im will be put to shame,And Israel will be ashamed because of the advice it followed.i 7  Sa·marʹi·a and her king will certainly be done away with,*jLike a snapped-off twig on the surface of waters. 8  The high places of Beth-aʹven,k Christopher Columbus pease