Jwindler / AutoHiC

A novel genome assembly pipeline based on deep learning
MIT License
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error with onehic.py #30

Open a-bite-of-semtex opened 1 week ago

a-bite-of-semtex commented 1 week ago

Hi there, Thank you for your efforts. Im running onehic.py to refine my previous hic results generated by HapHic, when run into an error: TypeError: CascadeRCNN.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pretrained'

below is my command: python3 onehic.py -hic /data/Hic_adjust_history/scaffolds.1M.hic / -asy /data/Hic_adjust_history/scaffolds.1M.0905.assembly / -autohic /data/AutoHic / -p /data/AutoHic/src/models/cfgs/error_model.pth / -out ./onehicout -t 28

Im wondering how to fix it.

Jwindler commented 1 week ago

It looks like your installation is wrong. I suggest to install AutoHiC with conda step by step in the doc.