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Implement a Home Page with facebook link #107

Closed corentingiraud closed 4 years ago

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago


Create a home page for Guest visitors. This page will be composed of cards representing a news. The card interface is described below.

A card could be:



In sprint 5, we will use material card to display cards. In next sprints, we will implement a unique card view in order to display custom card in a much better way.

API EndPoint

The following endPoint will be implemented in next sprints:

Card Interface

  title: String,
  content: String, // Markdown content
  createdAt: Date,
  updatedAt: Date,
  date: Date, // Event date or = createdAt date
  pin: Boolean,
  isFacebook: Boolean,
  media: [
      id: Number,
      url: String,
      type: ENUM(video, image),
  openLink: string,
  categories: [{
      id: Number,
      name: String,
      shortDescription: String,

Facebook edge to card support

For the begining, we have to support only post. In next sprints, we can implfutherement: link, status, photo, video, offer.

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

We schouldn't use facebook API page in the client side.


corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

We schould use this module in back. As a result, we fetch the event every X minutes. https://github.com/kwhitley/apicache

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

Also, this package could be very usefull if we want to simplify calls to the facebook API graph page. https://www.npmjs.com/package/fb

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

Ok, nice job !

I don't have much to say.

For caching:

For post content:

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

Also, does we also post the post made through the K-App in Facebook ?

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

Anyway we will use webhooks to detect new post on the FB page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/webhooks/

We will add a new middleware https://github.com/alexcurtis/express-x-hub

I didn't have time to search for how subscription works, I will do it later

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago


Why using redis ?

Use redis could save server RAM: check ApiCache wiki

If we want to save post made by a barman, we will need a database, so why not save facebook post ?

Because we have update our database if a Facebook post, link ... is updated or removed. It will be very difficult to maintain. What do you think ?

we just need to set FB to sent us a notification when a new post is made

How ? Oh ok you answer that !

Also, does we also post the post made through the K-App in Facebook ?

No, I don't want to implement it. Maybe someone, one day, will !

Use markdown instead of HTML

Ok ! Great idea. Is that for security reasons ?

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

Ok ! Great idea. Is that for security reasons ?

Yes, exactly :wink:

It will be very difficult to maintain. What do you think ?

Actually, with the webhooks system, it will be easy, as it will be quite the same as updating a post from the website. As I understand:

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

Our new Privacy Policy

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

Unilited Page Token way

Protocole d'obteintion d'un token d'accès de page illimité (never expired)


Debogeur de token

Pour tester la validiter d'un token et obtenir des informations


J'ai donc pu créer un token illimité mais ne peut pas l'utiliser (cf mon post slack):


image image

Webhook way

Not possible due to same reason i suppose.




In our webhook product configuration (facebook application settings & configuration)

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

It's good now, I will start developping it soon (the back part)

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

So... To resume the path to get webhooks notifications from FB:

To subscribe for these updates, we have two options:

The first is to directly configure the app through the FB UI, but I don't think it's the best way.

The second way is through the subscriptions edge of FB: A simple request to POST /v2.12/{app-id}/subscriptions with:

To be allowed to do that, the app must have access to the page:

See the official explanation to do it directly from the Graph Explorer here.

Or follow these instructions (approximatly the same): (incoming soon..)

corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

Do we need FACEBOOK_APP_ID ENV VAR or a hard coded VAR for dev and prod is enough ?

Do we want that user can update PAGE ID ?

Required config

Access Tokens

Must read: Facebook documentation

Get an app access token

GET /oauth/access_token with these params:

Get a page access token

We have to get two page access token token (one for dev fake facebook page, one for prod real facebook page). These tow tokens have to never expire.

Follow these medium post with a facebook account which is a administrator of the page.

These tokens will never expire until user change the password / user revoke the app.

We have to think of a way to store / modify these tokens

Our server process

If check succeed, Stop process. If check failed:



corentingiraud commented 6 years ago

What do you think about his ?

models-class model

Embraser01 commented 6 years ago

Do we need FACEBOOK_APP_ID ENV VAR or a hard coded VAR for dev and prod is enough ?

An env variable is better (no need to edit code in case the app change).

Do we want that user can update PAGE ID ?

Page Id is not necessary, the application can receive update from every pages that allowed the app.

? FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID (in database for client update only in prod ? Security ?) ? FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN (in database for client update only in prod ? Security ?)

There is no need for page id informations as the server will handle every post sent through the endpoint (we will consider it as coming from the K-Fêt page).

New config var: ...

I think we will rely only on ENV variables for dev config because every token is sensible informations and should not be commit. And we will add a failsafe if there is no TOKEN (no facebook feed in this case). And still no page IDs :smiley:

Access Tokens

I think this is for managing the page, but we can't get webhooks from here...

Server Process

I think we shouldn't install the apps from the server. It's a one time operation and should be done by the administrator of the page.

If we have some problems with the subscription edge, we could send an email to the webmaster with some logs describing the issue. This means that we don't know the page, but only the FB app.

GET api/feed/webhook : Verification Request: Verify token + respond with challenge field (to which URL?)

We respond to the request (there isn't another request made).


Do we need a category? (I would say yes probably)

Otherwise it looks good, anyway it is the model sent by the webhook no?

Embraser01 commented 4 years ago

Let's close this as it's no longer the goal of the K-App (maybe we can do something like this in https://github.com/K-Fet/kfet-insa.fr). Feel free to re-open it if it still is :wink: