K-Mistele / seeker-of-the-sword

ascii-character adventure code written into console via python
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Store Inventory Items in separate file? #54

Open K-Mistele opened 6 years ago

K-Mistele commented 6 years ago

Currently, potions and inventory items are stored in adventure.py Could they be stored in a separate file without creating a circular dependency?

The file would need to import inventory_classes.py, but would still need a way to put the inventory items into the player's inventory in adventure.py

K-Mistele commented 6 years ago

Hmm. based on how code is written now, this would be less than optimal. It would be extremely difficult to do without creating circular dependencies. Thoughts?

Michael-Naguib commented 6 years ago

We can just create a load inventory function that accepts a name and a save inventory function that writes to a file in csv or json or even plaintext...

K-Mistele commented 6 years ago

@Michael-N I'm not sure I understand what you're saying there....

Michael-Naguib commented 6 years ago

@K-Mistele Create a inventory.py with class inventory

Here is some pseudo code for how it might be implemented in adventure.py to clean up the spaghetti code ect...

# does not contain the players inventory ... just loads it from a separate txt file
import Inventory 

# playerInventory now represents the players inventory data
playerInventory = Inventory('<playername>-inventory.txt')

# use and auto update the inventory
playerInventory.use('<potionName>', instanceArgs=[passedVar,suchAs, playerObject]) # calls a potion class function associated with that name else raises an error or exception

#save changes made to the inventory to the file

# this code prepares for resuming games, as well as minifies spaghetti code and makes inventory more manageable 

This will involve serializing classes and reconstructing a few