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New encrypted Akamai #68

Closed cesarDevOp closed 8 years ago

cesarDevOp commented 8 years ago

Hi In a website, i use AdobeHDS.php with no problems to download the video, but in the same website there are new videos that this command says "Access Denied! Unable to download the manifest".

The diference between these two videos is the url, which include the string ENC ( encryptation i think). Here is an example:


--manifest "http://mitele1-vh.akamaihd.net/z/geo/tc/wp/tcwp124ne1G6GPoENU6zW3/srMEmXPdurCgVccEOKs4o1.1100,,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?......

not works:

--manifest "http://mitele1-vh.akamaihd.net/z/enc/geo/cd/qG/cdqGyhD6ZBuGF2mCtRl5P4/3c3l6JQY3DCcqt889qQ924.1100,,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?....
K-S-V commented 8 years ago

This is not related to Akamai Media Encryption in any way. most probably manifest authentication token is expired by the time you are trying to use it. some websites use extremely short lived authentication tokens (10 seconds or even less).