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HDS Link detector does not seem to work with tou.tv #9

Closed k3ck3c closed 11 years ago

k3ck3c commented 11 years ago


Recently www.tou.tv move from rtmdump to HDS. I tried to download several videos not geolocalized, and always get the same error message

For example, http://www.tou.tv/les-chroniques-d-une-mere-indigne/S03E07 gives me a command similar to

php AdobeHDS.php --manifest "http://cp143903-f.akamaihd.net/z/002/mp4/m/2010-05-17_merei_0024_,500,800,1200,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?hdnea=st=1356515586~exp=1356515601~acl=/z/002/mp4/m/2010-05-17_merei_0024_*~hmac=d61935a59bafdb14066295bd2807550846749142c3b6ced891a0225e0e283291&hdcore=2.10.3&g=RAYPXIDTYOYS" --delete --auth "hdntl=exp=1356601986~acl=%2fz%2f002%2fmp4%2fm%2f2010-05-17_merei_0024_*~data=hdntl~hmac=19e1efda0a5d2fa844d01f50a9474fd3b1e7ff414fa39cf57d58fb508dc1f781&als=0,0.1,0,2,0,NaN,0,0,0,84,f,0,248.2,f,s,RAYPXIDTYOYS,2.10.3,84&hdcore=2.10.3" --useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0"

And I eventually get

                            KSV Adobe HDS Downloader

Processing manifest info....                                                   
Quality Selection:                                                             
 Available: 1174 787 497
 Selected : 1174                                                               
Unknown packet type 11 encountered! Encrypted fragments can't be recovered.  

But as captvty 1.9.5 downloads it, I do not believe there is any encrypted fragments (captvty refuses to decrypt anything).

Thanks for your time

K-S-V commented 11 years ago

Most probably Captivity is using alternate streams available rather than decrypting Adobe HDS streams. one common trick used is to change the user-agent to iPad or some other mobile device so website spits out .m3u8 (Apple HLS) links instead of .f4m (Adobe HDS). HLS is supported by FFMpeg so any tool based on FFMpeg will be able to download or play such streams.