K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

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tvguide yahoo problem #108

Closed luongz closed 2 months ago

luongz commented 2 months ago

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Hello there, Yahoo JP is shutting down their tv guide service, so the siteconfigs of Yahoo JP are not working right now. image

Also , could you please add the location grab (like yahoo.jp) on the bangumi siteconfigs? I like to grab the TV guide of any prefecture in Japan. image

Thanks you.

K-vanc commented 2 months ago


I thought that Yahoo Japan website has alternative epg but it is just a redirect for bangumi website and epg being fetched from there. In this case yahoo.jp siteconfig can be deleted from repo.

For location select, I am usually doing it when there are new/diff channels based on different locations or content of the channels(start/stop times, events etc.) are changing based on locations. As far as I remember, content and channels are same for bangumi but only order of the channels are changing so I didnt make it like this but I will check again. If i notice any difference or if you show me some difference related with location change(it is really hard for me to detect difference in Japanese 😄 ), I can rewrite siteconfig for location select

luongz commented 2 months ago

For NHK channels, the News program is exclusive depending on region. (if you watch NHK Tokyo, the news program will be Tokyo,...but not the same program at all.)

Japan has a news network system so other channels than NHK will broadcast the same content, but some programs are exclusive depending on region too. For example: Fuji TV (FNN - Fuji News Network) and Ishikawa TV (FNN)

Fuji EPG : image

Ishikawa TV EPG: image

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

ok, tv.yahoo.jp deleted and bangumi updated for location based channel creation

luongz commented 2 months ago

by the way, how i can grab all EPG regions?

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

1 by 1

Create channel list for 1 region add all the channels into your configuration and save Create channels list for another region add all the channels into your same configuration and save repeat above steps till you are satisfied 😄

luongz commented 2 months ago

1 by 1

Create channel list for 1 region add all the channels into your configuration and save Create channels list for another region add all the channels into your same configuration and save repeat above steps till you are satisfied 😄

im doing it rn XD , thanks you.