K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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Siteconfig Repair #112

Closed NHKRoku closed 2 months ago

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

Hello. I seen that a mytv siteconfig in Vietnam folder have been damaged because the link's changed So,can you repair a mytv siteconfig please new link's here:https://mytv.com.vn/dich-vu/xem-lich-phat-song.html thank you again.

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

I will verify this because there is geo-blocking now in website and not allowing to visit page out of Vietnam. This could be your issue if you are trying from another location

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

year,it's geo-blocked but when i use vpn to acess a page,it report,that not found and i check that they have added prefix ''dich-vu'' in link i seem that

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

Ok, I will try to check when I have time with vpn on my own pc.

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

i just checked source data and that have link is:https://apigw.mytv.vn/api/v1/channel/##channel##/schedule?date=##urldate1## with date format is y-m-d. you can try extract with this url

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

maybe channel ids are also changed? No success with;


as 1 is channel id of VTV1

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

Yep,you have some error when typing url Here's a sample of VTV1 channel:https://apigw.mytv.vn/api/v1/channel/210/schedule?date=2024-04-22 You can rewatch a day format About a id channel,if you need I'll send you a channel id list Hope your reply

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

I constructed url according to your instruction;

with date format is y-m-d.

Small y letter means year in 2 digits format, you should type Y-m-d 😄

anyway if you can see url where channel names/ids are available, please send me that one also so I can finish siteconfig

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

so there is no url for channel generation? In this case, better I check to make siteconfig dynamic

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

a year,because of geo-blocked,you can try this tip to access a page: you go to https://www.congcuweb.net and type:https://mytv.com.vn/dich-vu/xem-lich-phat-song.html to access page hope this will help you

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

lol I need another proxy to access your proxy website 😄 it is being blocked by my company firewall

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

Hmm,it look like difficult to find a page that can pass your firewall But i finded another proxy that you can try,link here:http://proxy.tuoitreit.vn

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

a little aside, do you still remember that I asked you about cachup in EPG? Actually,I've a japan epg Link: <> If go to the next day,it's a normal epg but if go to the past that have url to timeshift a program

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

a little aside, do you still remember that I asked you about cachup in EPG? Actually,I've a japan epg Link: <> If go to the next day,it's a normal epg but if go to the past that have url to timeshift a program

Well, dont remember that but for sure I replied as you cannot grab old days because Tempest will ignore them but you can generate an updating epg file with catch-up upto 15days. All you need to do is enabling Fusion mode on your configuration file and setting fusion level as how many days you want exp level 5 means catch-up upto 5days. So you need to keep grabbing with this file and after 5days, your xml file will contain newly grabbed shows + 5days catchup data. Both new and catchup days will be updated on your next runs so if you daily grabbing, file will be always updated with 5 days catchup

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

Channel list.docx See hard to find id and channel so that's was made a table contains id and channel name so you can check out.sorry but i can't write an channel logo because of time problem,hope you ignore it

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I have the wrong word, vtv1 channel id is 210, not 211, which is vtv3 channel. Hope you can correct it.

K-vanc commented 2 months ago


I was in busy days at work so couldn't even have time for days to check what is going on. I tried with my VPN on Vietnam location but website detected it and blocked.. I tried also your proxies but none of them worked properly by loading the page. As far as I see, channel details are not available on loaded page below;


or channel details are being loaded/injected by another ajax/javascript after passing location check.. I cannot update siteconfig in repo without channel creation part. If you need I will attach here template siteconfig with epg grabbing only;


Don't forget to change file extension as php again. And If you believe channel details are above page for you, please run it on channel creation debugger with debug into file option and send me created txt file so I can check and fix channel creation part;



created file will be inside /tempest_config/log/ directory

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

yeah,i've been completed mytv.com.vn_0.channel.txt

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

and you have log file with page response?

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry,I'm not get with the instruction,I use my data have done it before like the table I sent above.

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

i attached 1 siteconfig above(https://github.com/K-vanc/Tempest-EPG-Generator/issues/112#issuecomment-2080358949), if you want to help, you will copy/paste it into your site_config folder then go to Siteconfig Debugger and choose/enable the options that I showed in photos. As a result, Tempest will create a log.txt file in /log/ folder. If you send me that file, I can make siteconfig dynamic for channel creation. If not, it is ok

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

Hmm,I had following your instruction,but I couldn't receive any usefull data Tempest_debugger.txt

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

ok, thanks. so channel information is somewhere else but cannot find out till find a way to check website by myself. That siteconfig will work with your channel list for epg grabbing

NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

i see that channel id is located in channel list but it only show in development tool Screenshot 2024-04-27 192531

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

You need to use "Network" tab and then click refresh so some urls will be loaded under fetch/xhr and doc tabs. Channel list should be somewhere there


K-vanc commented 2 months ago

I think I found the link but cannot see its content


NHKRoku commented 2 months ago

finally,i finded a channel link it here:https://apigw.mytv.vn/api/v1/channel

K-vanc commented 2 months ago

New version uploaded into Vietnam folder. Thanks for your contribution