K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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[Bug] no results for sky.at and sky.de siteconfig #128

Closed cyb3rgh05t closed 1 month ago

cyb3rgh05t commented 1 month ago

Tempest Version : rv1.7.0.0-2405061442 System Info : Linux Uuntu 20.04 PHP Version : 8.2.12. Server Info : Command Line Interface (Cli)


i think there is an issue with the sky.at and sky.de sitconfigs


Grabbing Epg results in 0 shows grabbed

K-vanc commented 1 month ago


Siteconfigs are working fine but there is no epg in WEBSITE for those channels..


I rechannel create and also those channels are not available in the new channel list so..

Will you call this as "BUG"?

Tempest is only a grabber.. It cannot provide you epg if there is no data in the source...

cyb3rgh05t commented 1 month ago

yes you right isnt a BUG but i didnt know how to call it :) sorry for that