K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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Closed cyb3rgh05t closed 2 weeks ago

cyb3rgh05t commented 2 weeks ago

HI :)

On magenta tv germany they published 3 new channels for the europacup 2024.


is it possible to add the epg for these 3 channels in the web.magentatv.de siteconfig?

K-vanc commented 2 weeks ago


I am not updating channel lists in repo but all siteconfigs are supporting dinamic channel list creation so all you need to do is choosing web.magenta siteconfig on Channel Generator and click generate. As far as I see, those channels will be included in new list


cyb3rgh05t commented 2 weeks ago

cool thanks

cyb3rgh05t commented 2 weeks ago

hmmm i get "no channel block found"

cyb3rgh05t commented 2 weeks ago

image image

K-vanc commented 2 weeks ago

Just keep trying. It is working but website ip banning. My ip is also blocked but able to create channels list after trying 10-15 times

cyb3rgh05t commented 2 weeks ago

ok thanks