K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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Beware: Malware in tempest.php #137

Open w64 opened 5 days ago

w64 commented 5 days ago

tempest.php downloaded from the Releases section of this Github repository. After scheduled scan for malware, The antivirus app show that:

Warning 06.07.2024 08:46:21 System localhost [Malware Remover] Removed the detected malware: MR2101 (Bitcoin miner).

After some testing i have found that my copy of tempest.php is missing, so i downloaded it again and put it in the same location. After that i started scanning manually and what happened? Again the same malware have been detected. Maybe the author have put some present in php file. Be warned!!! NAS

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Expected Behavior (Not required for Request)

Tempest script to be running and to be clean from mallware.

Current Behavior (Not required for Request)

Tempest script running successfully, but infect devices with mallware - Bitcoin miner.

Steps to Reproduce (Not required for Request/Question)

Download the tempest.php to your webserver public_html directory. Scan this directory with antivirus software for Linux.

K-vanc commented 5 days ago


I believe you are getting some false positive or someone reported tempest.php file as dangerous or you have another issue and also tempest.php file is being quarantined together with that problem but there is no malware or miner or etc in php file.

tempest.php file is not encrypted but it is only shuffled(made it hard to read) to hide my siteconfig protection. All variable names, all strings, all functions, all other things are staying as it is as in my original file and searchable with notepad. Anyway, it is always upto users to decide what is safe and what is not safe. You can try your luck with fully closed source .exe grabber alternatives

K-vanc commented 5 days ago

in last 8-10 days, someone is continuesly scanning my repo with a cyber threat website. I can see it on visitors tab. Maybe what you get is related with that one, As I said if someone flagged it as dangerous, we will get false positive with the tools that are using same database


K-vanc commented 5 days ago


Toei79 commented 4 days ago

i dont think some like that can be in such a small file . i dont see how can do that, if it was a windows exe with several stuff. but no