K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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[REQUEST] PLUTO TV EPG for different countries #138

Closed cyb3rgh05t closed 1 week ago

cyb3rgh05t commented 1 week ago


is it possible to add Pluto TV EPG for different countries like Germany France UK Portugal Italy etc?

Thanks in advance

Toei79 commented 1 week ago

guessing you using tivimate or other iptv player. no matter what you gonnna get only 6 hours of epg. thats limitation there.

so if you get through tivimate you get epg same source.

K-vanc commented 1 week ago

Hi guys,

I am able get data for almost for 1,5 days. I didnt understand your part for 6 hours epg limit.

Anyway, urls are same for all countries and you need to use different vpn/proxy for both channel creation and epg grabbing so i am trying to make it more user friendly before publishing because it will be difficult for users to use. Probably you need to prepare seperate configuration for each country and have to set different vpn location prior to each epg/channel run

K-vanc commented 1 week ago

Ok, added into Multi Nation folder

Just keep in mind that;

Toei79 commented 1 week ago

Theres a limit of 6 hours on one know epg provider from pluto also in pluto

Cool you get 1 day 5 hpurs

K-vanc commented 1 week ago

Theres a limit of 6 hours on one know epg provider from pluto also in pluto

Cool you get 1 day 5 hpurs

Well, you know, they cannot limit me 😄

cyb3rgh05t commented 1 week ago

great thanks a lot