K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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SiteConfig Request [Indonesia] #34

Closed devhik closed 10 months ago

devhik commented 10 months ago

HOME https://www.cubmu.com/live-tv

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Hi to you also :)

I think can be done but I am away from pc now so tomorrow

devhik commented 10 months ago

Ok. I'm happy to hear this news.. thanks bro

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Welcome. I will update you when it is done.


I trimmed sensitive information from your post due to some old fat italian spy around :)

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

hi @devhik

It has been added into Indonesia folder

devhik commented 10 months ago

hi @devhik

It has been added into Indonesia folder

Ok I will try it thanks bro

devhik commented 10 months ago

I also want to ask siteconfig thailand tvsmagazine.com so that I can retrieve all schedules, not just 4 schedules, do I need additional settings? need to press show all day so that the 24 hour schedule is displayed.. Screenshot_2023-08-20-14-05-55-432_com android chrome-edit

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

I dont understand you question. tvmagazine.com already exist in repo with 2 different language setting. You want to make your own version? If yes, you need to consider that epg urls and html displays are different thing. For grabbing, you need to focus epg urls. When you request that page, server is sending you data of all day but with some javascript work, only a few hours of data is being displayed.