K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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Timeout issues and can't use sitemaker debug #41

Closed stuckinthe closed 10 months ago

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

I am using tempest on arch. I checked that I have the required modules (php -m), per my previous ticket, and it lists that I have them all. I am having issues grabbing data from plex as it says nothing found. I go into Sitemaker debug to check but when I follow the wiki and click debug i am dropped back to the main menu and nothing happens. I have also tried to collect EPG but the list gets halfway (11 of 25) through and the browser doesn't showing any progression but I look in the quide.xml file and it continues to about 2/3 of the way down and then stops. This happens through the browser and the command line. I increased my max_execution on the php.ini to 0 to disable but this didn't help.

K-vanc commented 10 months ago


I thought everything was explained very clear but nevermind.

First, you dont need to check modules, if something is missing you will see it on screen of Tempest as missing module warning.

For debugging issue, it is explained here; https://github.com/K-vanc/Tempest-EPG-Generator/blob/main/Siteconfigs/1_Siteconfig_Legends/README.md

For why Plex did not work for you, may be for this reason; Screenshot_20230904-221751_GitHub.jpg

And probably, why it is terminated after a while explained here(close to end of main page); Screenshot_20230904-221820_GitHub.jpg

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I missed the timeout setting in help. I have a US IP but I can't get plex epg guide data. Also, the sitemaker debug doesn't work so I can't test it out.

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

you are in usa? just curious, i can run on mine if you want to see.

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I am in the USA.

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

[04-09-2023 20:12:09] PHP Version : 8.2.9 [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Server Info : Apache/2.4.57 (Unix) PHP/8.2.9 [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Initializing... [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Checking required modules... [04-09-2023 20:12:09] guide.xml generated... [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Grabbing started for 2 days [ ] [04-09-2023 20:12:09] (1/1) Site: [ENC]app.plex.tv_0 [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Channel id: 63e63d26abacad42ed3d1acd [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Xmltv id: The Price is RIght [ Warning ] [04-09-2023 20:12:09] No show grabbed in 0.27 seconds [ ] [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Grabbing completed... [04-09-2023 20:12:09] 0 show grabbed in 0.27 second [ Completed ] [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Tempest Overall Memory Usage: 4326KB [04-09-2023 20:12:09] Tempest Peak Memory Usage: 11070KB

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

i move to my tempest folder if you want i run here? lmk what channels i do right away

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I am in the USA.

what i need place on user key?

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

I tried my user key and it said no channel block and then wiped out the xml file.

I had same issue with xumo and then I tried 10000 and it found all channels.

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

whats the user key?

i know for ota guides its zipcode but idk for this one. let it blank no get channels

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

I tried my zip code as user key but it said no blocks found and then emptied the xml file but leaving as is means no epg data found.

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

i see same thing. being online thing i dont think require zip code but also there its not file instructions so let it blank suppose to work im guessing.

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

When I leave it blank, I get no guide data.

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

ok, guys. It was my bad that I prepared that siteconfig remotely(and also blindly because didnt have vpn) so made some mistake in the siteconfig. Now I uploaded fixed siteconfig.

And there is no userkey for plex. If it is needed, I am adding a description into to relevant country folder

Toei79 commented 10 months ago


still same here. i replace file

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Did you checked permissions? And Could you please try grabbing with 1 channel from repo channel list?

Actually, i didnt look into channel creation part since it looked good to me

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

yea permissions are fine

SHOT1061 SHOT1060

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Ok, i tried to say, instead of channel creating, can you download channel list from repo and try to Generate epg?

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

Ok, i tried to say, instead of channel creating, can you download channel list from repo and try to Generate epg?

thats works. looks like if you do generate channels delete all channels instead go direct to to tempest and choose plex one and choose channels. i able to see channel list now.

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

that plex one its interesting lot channels what i never know have epg. cool!

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Ok, thanks for confirmation. As I said i didnt focus on channel creation part. Considered as it is fine. So will check channel creating part once again tomorrow..

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

@Toei79 and @stuckinthe

hey, guys. I wonder if anyone else tried channel generation with updated siteconfig because it seems fine here despite "not working" comment of Toei79 without any change


K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Just to be sure, i made some minor modification on channel creating part and re-uploaded new version but i didn't find any problem

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

im gonna check it

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

When I tried it, I got no channel blocks found and it emptied out the xml file.

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

i just replace with ones you have right now , and still get issue, i read one apple one was changed like half hour ago.


this one

then when you run the other one gets 1kb when it was 97kb

idk about what i say but maybe its attached per ip address? or something.

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

No, it is static url adress. Any of you have chance to try with a vpn on? Too many unsuccessful attemps from yesterday may temporarily block your access to that page

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Nevermind, I uploaded final version. Now it should be fine for all of you. I was using a special method to connect website without using vpn and strangely the page is responding me in xml data structure but to you(all regular users) in json structure so I prepared siteconfig according to xml structure. That's why i was able to channel create but you were not..

Toei79 commented 10 months ago

now its working. with the new files.

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

good. I think we resolved everything in this subject

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Hi @stuckinthe

Is there any remaining problem or i will close the issue ?

stuckinthe commented 10 months ago

I am no longer having an issue with plex epg grabs. I can't figure out why I can't get Siteconfig debug to work as it drops me back to the start page when I click debug.

K-vanc commented 10 months ago

Hi @stuckinthe

I have already sent you the link for siteconfig types but short answer is you cannot debug because I am not allowing you to debug any encrypted siteconfig



Toei79 commented 5 months ago

idk but apple plex its same issue like this one here , or i do something wrong? file sizes dont change but i dont get any channels, trying generating them or in tempest configurator

then streamguides its in same situation , idk if streamguides requires user key i dont see it.

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

Hi @Toei79

Both siteconfigs are working after maintenance update. Both plex and streamguides do not need USERKEY, otherwise it would be explained in information files.. You need fresh channel list for both to work. File sizes increased 2,5-3KB after maintenance update. If you are telling sizes are still same, even this is enough to understand your doing something wrong on copy/pasting correct files. plex also sensitive for ip adress and even rejecting some VPNs. Since you didnt provide any other info/log etc, this is all i can help


Toei79 commented 5 months ago

hi man sorry im sorry, all its fine, i just change the server locally and i was checking old one. :/ then just checked like half hour ago and yes. all running fine. on the new one where i updated all to latest