K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
100 stars 17 forks source link

Update config mewatch.sg #55

Closed febiferdiansyah closed 9 months ago

febiferdiansyah commented 9 months ago

Hi, Singapore folder mewatch.sg channel logo is not displayed..

K-vanc commented 9 months ago

Hi, it is grabbing channel logos and logo urls are fine..

Your low-end iptv player, at least, shall be able to convert "&" into "&" because it is an escape character for xml and it shall be encoded as "&" for being used properly..

You may contact forum of your low-end iptv player.


Channel 5
<icon src="https://production.togglestatic.com/shain/v1/dataservice/ResizeImage/$value?Format=%27png%27&amp;Quality=85&amp;ImageId=%271776036%27&amp;EntityType=%27Item%27&amp;EntityId=%2797098%27&amp;Width=114&amp;Height=114&amp;device=%27web_browser%27&amp;subscriptions=%27Anonymous%27&amp;segmentationTags=%27all%27&amp;ResizeAction=%27fill%27&amp;HorizontalAlignment=%27center%27&amp;VerticalAlignment=%27top%27"/>

Channel 8 Channel U `