K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

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Swedish channels Tv4 sport 1 to 5 issue with scraping epg #56

Closed Jimpan81 closed 8 months ago

Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Hello ! Im scraping epg from Swedish Tv.nu site and all channels scrapes fine . All info and pictures. Thanks ! But the issue is the Tv4 sport channels , 1 to 5 ( 5 channels) It has no picture and no info of what game is on . Tv.nu has the info but Tvheadend and Kodi has not . See Screenshots IMG_0487 IMG_0486 IMG_0485

Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Edit looks like its the same on more but not all channels with sport events One more example from V sport fotball IMG_0488


Toei79 commented 8 months ago

maybe you can try the logo feature? you can add to those channels. idk whats going on there if its epg or something on tvheadend, tvheadend its kinda friendly with epg formats.

Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Logo is not the issue . Its the program picture/ fanart thats missing and info of whats game is on . Must be av scaper issue because all other non sport channels has all ? Logo , info and picture

Toei79 commented 8 months ago

imo you need check if its available on the webpage so it be scrapper issue. maybe

K-vanc commented 8 months ago

Yes, it is a new siteconfig issue. The missing elements you mentioned are located in detail pages but website seemed to make some changes on detail pages requests of some channels so for those channels, you are not currently accessing detail pages and thats why you are not receiving that elements.

I AM 'IN VACATION as I wrote to main page so you can use other Sweden siteconfigs till I return and fix it

Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for looking, no hurry enjoy your vacation 😊

K-vanc commented 8 months ago

Hi @Jimpan81 . I am back (unfortunately).. You can get updated tv.nu siteconfig which resolves different url problem from Sweden folder.

Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago


Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

@K-vanc Icon and desc is ok but category seems to be missing on the sportschannels you fixed. Some events has ”live” but not all. Tv.nu has the info but not in Tempest xml IMG_0685 IMG_0688 IMG_0687

If you have time 😊🙏

K-vanc commented 8 months ago

I dont understand what part you want to see as catagory? It is grabbing all categories which are labeled as genre, category or movie/series. Also as Live. Only some of them has Live because only some of shows has live tag

K-vanc commented 8 months ago

Anyway.. i Will have a look again tomorrow if something else can be added...

Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Category should be ”Ishockey” in this specific case from picture above . But could be any other sport aswell on other events

K-vanc commented 8 months ago

Ok, so check the below pictures for the show you mentioned as example. No.4 is the one we are speaking. As you see, i dont see the world same as you see on the browser. the second pic shows details of that show. Ishockey given as "sport" tag. I can edit siteconfig to capture "sport" as additional category but what is the meaning of ishockey? It is a Word or a question? Because there are several ident tags in this website such as ismovie=true , isseries=false etc. If it doesnt have a meaning in local language, i dont think i Will add it to grab



Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Ishockey =Icehockey ( a Word in swedish). Fotboll = Fotball
Some more examples of different sports IMG_0691 IMG_0689

K-vanc commented 8 months ago


Jimpan81 commented 8 months ago

Thanks ! Looking good . Amazing 🙏🤩

Jimpan81 commented 6 months ago

Request : add IsRerun to grabbed data .

Rerun = Repris in swedish

As we already have the live tag it would also be nice to have ” Repris” for old games / sports/

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

it is already being processed. If a show has "isRerun: true", you will get it as "previously-shown" tag which defined for using re-broadcasted shows. But for many sports channel, data is coming as "isRerun: false" so Tempest not capturing them.

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

normally, i am preparing siteconfigs according to xmltv.dtd. and not personalizing them by moving defined element to under some other tags. Personalization shall be done by inverter module or users have to learn making their own siteconfigs but today is christmas so I will make one exemption for you. Still will not add it into repo but this will store "Repris" value as category element similar to "live". (rename file extension into .php)


Jimpan81 commented 6 months ago

Thanks and i get it ! Maybe you could add the rerun date and insert it in descriptions ? Från = from in swedish IMG_1060

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

ok, I added final revision into Sweden folder. Now it grabs repris as category tag and captures first show date into previously-shown element as below;

Villarreal CF - Celta de Vigo Från Ceramic Stadium i Villarreal, Valencia, Spanien. Sport Repris Fotboll Laliga

This date pattern is the standard definition for previously shown element as "YmdHis" format. If you want, you can move it into description or some other element by using inverter module and even change the date display with some replace commands there.

Villarreal CF - Celta de Vigo Från Ceramic Stadium i Villarreal, Valencia, Spanien. Genre: Sport,Repris,Fotboll,Laliga First Shown: 20231220

I will not make any other change on tv.nu siteconfig unless they make some change in website

Jimpan81 commented 6 months ago

You are the best 🤩👌

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

@K-vanc I try to understand the inverter from wiki but i dont exact understand , so hoping you could give me the line for deleting "play" "movie" and "series" from category for tv.nu ? Cause i have them in swedish language also: "film" and "serie" so there is no need to have them again i english. Thanks again for all your work!

Hi @Jimpan81 ,

I moved your question to this issue since i am keeping main issue only for announcements etc. and trying to keep it clean from user problems

Inverter is the most powerful module of Tempest after grabbing engine and you can do it more or less whatever you want instantly and without extra memory usage. It works with first in/first out logic so below code should do what you need;

["category":||#replace#((?:,)?(?:play|movie|series)(?:,)?)||]["desc":"##desc##","#\nGenre: #category(,)##"]["category":||#delete#]

In this code, there are 3 command blocks wrapped inside "[ ]". First Block is for replacing play/movie/series words with nothing(so they will be deleted) in category element. (It is case-sensitive and i wrote it based on your message. Not tested so if something is different, modify accordingly)

Second block for description element. It will keep description's original value(##desc##) and add to end of it modified category element with a "new line"(\n) + "Genre: " Word. I used (,) for seperator so if there are multiple category values, they will be seperated with ",".

Last Block is deleting category element from xmltv structure since they have been added into description.

Jimpan81 commented 6 months ago

Thanx ! ["category":||#replace#((?:,)?(?:Play|Movie|Series)(?:,)?)||] worked fine. In the future , when you do some other work on tv.nu maybe you could remove the 3 above? As them are not needed for swedes. But all good for now