K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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Hungary/musor.tv question #74

Closed tamkov closed 6 months ago

tamkov commented 6 months ago

Hi K-vanc, First of all, thank you very much for your work, I finally found the best epg grabber program for me. I see that you are still working on the siteconfig files, but you are already over Hungary. The Hungary/musor.tv only grab one day, always that day (today). In the same config I use the Mediaklikk and tvmustra too, they are fine, the requested 5 days will come. I tried to find the error in the musor.tv siteconfig file, but I couldn't figure out what's causing it :(

Can I check / adjust something?

BR, Tamas

//////// I don't see any errors in the log:

[07-01-2024 00:34:13] Tempest Version : rv1.6.0.0-2310141014 [07-01-2024 00:34:13] System Info : Linux raspberrypi 6.1.21+ #1642 Mon Apr 3 17:19:14 BST 2023 armv6l [07-01-2024 00:34:13] PHP Version : 7.4.33 [07-01-2024 00:34:13] Server Info : Command Line Interface (Cli) ... [07-01-2024 05:50:14] (208/209) Site: musor.tv_0 [07-01-2024 05:50:14] Channel id: ERDELY_TV [07-01-2024 05:50:14] Xmltv id: musortv-ErdelyTV.hu [07-01-2024 05:50:34] 22 shows grabbed in 20.03 seconds [ ] [07-01-2024 05:50:36] (209/209) Site: musor.tv_0 [07-01-2024 05:50:36] Channel id: PANNON_TV [07-01-2024 05:50:36] Xmltv id: musortv-PannonTV.hu [07-01-2024 05:50:59] 28 shows grabbed in 23.30 seconds [ ] [07-01-2024 05:51:20] Grabbing completed... [07-01-2024 05:51:20] 31055 shows grabbed in 5 hours 17 minutes 7.16 seconds (19027.16 seconds) [ Completed ] [07-01-2024 05:51:20] Tempest Overall Memory Usage: 5346KB [07-01-2024 05:51:20] Tempest Peak Memory Usage: 13776KB [07-01-2024 05:51:31] [07-01-2024 05:51:31] Guide.xml.gz file created

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

Hi, yes I thought i can finish siteconfig maintenance within a week but reached half of it within 2 weeks..

You are right, i missed that. Uploaded fixed version, please redownload new siteconfig.

tamkov commented 6 months ago

Thank you very much, that was fast. Have a nice day!

BR, Tamas

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

you caught me on a very free moment which happens very rarely 😃

tamkov commented 6 months ago

Hi, I have one more question, [ENC]rakuten.tv[hu] intentionally grab only one day (Today)? //Siteconfig Maximum Days : 7.1 I can't fix it because you coded it. (You updated it 4 days ago)

BR, Tamas

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

Hi, there is nothing to be fixed in Rakuten. It supports upto 7 days but not all channel has that much data available as some channels have only 1 day data in their api. Tempest is grabbing whatever available upto your day request.


tamkov commented 6 months ago

Hi, Interesting that it works for you, I will try set it to 6 days. I set it to 7 days, then it doesn't download anything. If I change it to one, it's fine. I'll send a screenshot tonight.

Have a nice day!

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

it could be related with api. If you request too often, some apis may block you temporarily or may return an empty string.

If you write down channel also, I may try to reproduce


tamkov commented 6 months ago

rakuten 7days

tamkov commented 6 months ago

rakuten 6days rakuten 1days

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

From your configuration file increase timeout setting. Yours set to 5 seconds so request for more days takes more time to load but when it reachs 5seconds, Tempest stops and making new request.

Set it 20 and it will work

tamkov commented 6 months ago

I don't know if you did something (whether the encoded file reads something from you), but after sending the screenshots it was fine... I've run it about 10 times and it's always good.

tamkov commented 6 months ago

Ok, I'll set it to 20, thanks.

K-vanc commented 6 months ago

It is about server as sometimes it is responding faster but if you dont increase timeout value, it will fail again later.