K-vanc / Tempest-EPG-Generator

The fastest XMLTV formatted EPG Generator with GUI and the lowest memory usage
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Program description is not available #84

Closed otava5 closed 5 months ago

otava5 commented 5 months ago

Hello. Thanks in advance for the perfect addon. I have questions:

  1. I don't see the "program description" from the generated CZ programs or from any xml.
  2. If I want to merge 2 generated files using "xmlmerge" under Linux and the file contains the "&" character, then the resulting merged file is corrupt (defective).

thanks for the anwers

K-vanc commented 5 months ago


1) Can you please write name of siteconfig(s) and channel(s) that you cannot get description? I tried random channels on magio and o2 siteconfigs but descriptions are all there.

2) I dont know what is that program and never used it. Generated xml files by Tempest are all valid as per xml schema and you can also verify it is correctness by online xml validators. if there would be a problem on xml schema, you cannot open/display to file and your player cannot get any epg data also. "&" character is being escaped when it is attribute of an xml tag with "&" format and can be safely used when it is as data (out of xml tag). Probably the software you are using, doesn't know how to escape or convert that char(or maybe more chars since & is not only the one to be escaped). Sorry but cannot help you more about this.

otava5 commented 5 months ago

So I tried O2 and I still miss the description of the program there, i.e. what is the show about...

<programme start="20240123134500 +0100" stop="20240123145500 +0100" channel="Prima Star">
<title lang="cs">Ohnivý kuře</title>
<sub-title lang="cs">Mejdan pro Aleše</sub-title>
<director>Libor Kodad</director>
<director>Jiří Chlumský</director>
<director>Lukáš Buchar</director>
<director>Magdalena Pivoňková</director>
<director>Vojtěch Moravec</director>
<director>Martin Kopp</director>
<actor>Jakub Prachař</actor>
<actor>Jan Dolanský</actor>
<actor>Petr Štěpánek</actor>
<actor>Kristýna Leichtová</actor>
<actor>Simona Babčáková</actor>
<category lang="cs">Komedie</category>
<icon src="https://www.o2tv.cz/img/epg/primastar/38183447/profi_land.jpg"/>
<country lang="cs">Česká Republika</country>
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">1.25.</episode-num>
<rating system="O2">

I am sending my config tempest.config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Tempest EPG Generator (made by Kvanc) -->
  <user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36</user-agent>
  <delay channel="" index="" detail=""/>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]livetv.skylink.cz_0" site_id="DTD8LiXfcVtMIqgSS18M32_YtWl0YTQD3uomKgBK" xmltv_id="penthouse-gold">Penthouse Gold</channel>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]magio.tv[cz]_0" site_id="6054||ct1-hd.png" xmltv_id="ČT1 HD">ČT1 HD</channel>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]magio.tv[cz]_0" site_id="6053||ct2-hd.png" xmltv_id="ČT2 HD">ČT2 HD</channel>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]livetv.skylink.cz_0" site_id="GuWcT5XzyK01Z74TLsufoJ0VThHsJ_K9S6eG8XEg" xmltv_id="vixen">Vixen</channel>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]livetv.skylink.cz_0" site_id="EJ36j0BZYut3aFuZuXEVu3gmbJ5xhtlBnjy_mH-h" xmltv_id="penthouse-reality">Penthouse Reality</channel>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]o2tv.cz_0" site_id="PrimaStar" xmltv_id="Prima Star">Prima Star</channel>
  <channel site="[ENC][EX]o2tv.cz_0" site_id="PrimaShow" xmltv_id="Prima Show">Prima Show</channel>

I am mainly concerned with skylink siteconfig


otava5 commented 5 months ago

I'm missing this there image

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

Are you sure that you are running latest updated siteconfigs? I dont remember the names but I remember i fixed several siteconfig in Czech folder that running partially such as missing description etc. Your configuration seems ok. If also no error reported when you running Tempest about some missing module etc, there shouldnt be any problem. All the credits data etc are coming from the same place with description. I attached txt file with what I grabbed with latest siteconfigs


Are you running any other software for merging/editing xml files? I can only suggest to delete your config.xml, siteconfigs, redownload siteconfigs, rechannel create and create fresh config.xml with newly generated channels from newly downloaded siteconfigs

otava5 commented 5 months ago

On the contrary, when I started the service on free hosting, I have a description here... Any advice on what I'm missing in apache/ubuntu? Is it possible to make a debug log where I can read it?

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

?? Did you forget to attach something or photo ??

Edit: Sorry, my misunderstanding.

So it works well on service but description missing on your ubuntu, correct? Hard to guess. Seemed to me some kind of library issue. I know that php8.1 has some problematic libraries for openssl, iconv, mbstring etc. Both mbstring and iconv may cause such error but most of the times, php library errors do not reports anything. Inside tempest.php, there are 2 lines for error reporting which is closed for simple warnings and since most of the cases, I am already fixing but you can try after changing below 2 lines;




and saving tempest.php. If there is something, it will be recorded into error log of your php server. Also try to run Tempest after enabling logging option in your configuration file. Maybe you are missing some error notice that reported at the moment that Tempest starts by changing logger option


in your config.xml

this will create a .txt file in /tempest_config/log/ path. you can attach it here

otava5 commented 5 months ago

Please have a look at the attached php statement, but with the parameter "error_reporting(-1)" for a statement of all errors and at the same time the log output of Tempest. "error_reporting(1)" - didn't show anything.... php_error-1.txt

[                   ]
[                   ]-------------------------------------
[                   ]        Tempest EPG Generator
[                   ]
[                   ]   The Most Advanced Programmable
[                   ]       GUI XMLTV EPG Generator
[                   ]     by Kivanc Altug aka "Kvanc"
[                   ]-------------------------------------
[                   ]
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Tempest Version : rv1.6.1.0-2401220703
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] System Info : Linux NAS #1 SMP Wed Mar 2 00:30:59 UTC 2022 x86_64
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] PHP Version : 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Server Info : Command Line Interface (Cli)
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Initializing...
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Checking required modules...
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Time converter enabled...
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] epg.xml generated...
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Grabbing started for 2 days
[                   ]
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] (1/1) Site: [ENC][EX]o2tv.cz_0
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Channel id: PrimaStar
[24-01-2024 08:38:36] Xmltv id: Prima Star
[24-01-2024 08:38:41] 48 shows grabbed in 4.93 seconds
[                   ]
[24-01-2024 08:38:41] Grabbing completed...
[24-01-2024 08:38:41] 48 shows grabbed in 4.93 seconds
[     Completed     ]
[24-01-2024 08:38:41] Tempest Overall Memory Usage: 4435KB
[24-01-2024 08:38:41] Tempest Peak Memory Usage: 11274KB

Thnx very

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

yes, it will be -1, made a typo, sorry my bad.

Yesterday I fixed some of those deprecated notice on my tempest copy with php 8.2 setup but it was not causing any loss of xml element since they are all notices. During php7 to php8 upgrade, they did lots of functional changes and trying to fix them as much as i can but not all appearing in the same time. I will test your setup again on my php8.2 setup to see what will happen. It may be an issue happening on php8.1

otava5 commented 5 months ago

ok then let me know if i should upgrade to 8.2 or 8.3 to solve the problem ;-)

edit: on free hosting where it works is 7.3.3

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

i am trying to understand what is happening. For some reason 1 of my code block related with description returns empty in php8 for ENC siteconfigs. Probably it is happening on all ENC siteconfigs but strange that noone metnioned about it yet except you. Probably only u are using php8. Anyway, I will let you know when I figure it out. Another siteconfig update or Tempest update or both may be required for it...

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

I found the problem and fixed it but want to test a little bit more before pushing new patch. A stupid "null" value strangely works completely different in php7 and php8 on a binary safe php function... Of course there is no information about this behaviour change in php documents or release notes... so you have to learn it by living..

Anyway, try to stand a bit more and probably I will be sure that all working till tomorrow.

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

Hi @otava5

I pushed the patch. Please click Tempest Update and grab again your configuration to check if all ok

otava5 commented 5 months ago

Now after the update the description works :-) Can you still look at siteconfig for tv.sms.cz?

[25-01-2024 09:32:24] (2/2) Site: [ENC]m.tv.sms.cz_0
[25-01-2024 09:32:24] Channel id: %C8T1
[25-01-2024 09:32:24] Xmltv id: ČT1
[      Warning      ]
[25-01-2024 09:32:24] No show grabbed in 0.27 seconds
[       Error       ] Request Error(url1): error:0A00018A:SSL routines::dh key too small
[       Error       ] Request Error(url1): error:0A00018A:SSL routines::dh key too small
K-vanc commented 5 months ago

Good that issue resolve.

this is not about siteconfig or website. It is a combined issue related with php8 + openssl + curl libraries . There is nothing I can help on that. you can try to update/downgrade php / curl / openssl till you find a working combination or you can wait for website to fix problem on their ssl certificate. Unfortunately, php8 is not proceeding when a certificate issue found unlike php7. It is telling you that website's ssl key lenght is sorter than required for the chipper they used. In both openssl and curl groups, they are telling that they fixed the issue and asking to check with other library but there is no clear info as which library versions are ok. that's why still i am mainly using php 7.4 as the most stable version

otava5 commented 5 months ago

This worked for me https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/9186#issuecomment-1493325591 Thanks for the great work sir @K-vanc

K-vanc commented 5 months ago

Good to hear. Long time ago, i tried to implement some switches for this in Tempest but 1 fixed, broke the others so stopped wasting my time with it.

I know that reducing tsl level may work sometimes as already shared it in another old issue ( https://github.com/K-vanc/Tempest-EPG-Generator/issues/31#issuecomment-1651009781 ) but i personely not suggesting it since it is causing major network security issues. This is not a solution that i want to use on my daily pc but it is your pc