K1rakishou / Kuroba-Experimental

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Soundposts using a .webm as the audio source don't play any audio. #1071

Open Kurogal opened 4 months ago

Kurogal commented 4 months ago

It seems to effect all webms even if it's just an opus audio stream with no video. https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/74848317 I posted all the ones in that thread (minus the mp3) and all but the first one using opus is just the webm audio straight from yt-dlp. I quickly did the opus sound post from my phone before that using Seal which seems to automatically convert the webm to opus if I just download the audio, and as far as I'm aware you can copy an opus audio stream straight from the .webm to an .opus through ffmpeg without re-encoding it.

I also tend to see webms that are just the original video and audio together being used as the audio. https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/74410289/#q74438782 Searching for webm] shows all of the ones using webm audio, static and video. I linked one specifically using both a webm video and a webm with video and audio for convenience in case it's relevant for testing, but pretty much all of the ones I checked using both have that as the case in the thread. The audio player also won't appear for webm soundposts using a static image which makes me assume it is specifically webms as an audio source that are the issue. I don't have any problems with any other soundposts in either thread with KurobaEx. No problems with the same webm sound posts on desktop either using 4chan sounds player even in the archived threads. I added RozenArcana to the script to test the webms and it worked fine still.

I'm not sure there's something obvious I'm missing and/or this is hard to fix, but I couldn't find any other issues mentioning this specifically. Also it doesn't seem like quotes work in app when browsing RozenArcana, no quoted by and clicking on a quote takes me to the browser rather than the post in the app. I thought I'd mention since I didn't see an issue on it yet either.

K1rakishou commented 4 months ago

Yeah it was never implemented because the implementation wasn't easy to do: https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental/blob/d8205405f17b023baa95ccce6d67abd69327d4e2/Kuroba/app/src/main/java/com/github/k1rakishou/chan/features/media_viewer/ViewableMediaParcelableHolder.kt#L404