K2InformaticsGmbH / erloci

Erlang Oracle native driver - DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/K2InformaticsGmbH/oranif instead
Apache License 2.0
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Starting oci_port throws SIGABRT exception #7

Closed ttyerlsol closed 9 years ago

ttyerlsol commented 9 years ago

OS: RedHat 5 Erlang: r17.3 Oracle 12.1

When ever I start oci_port:start_link([{logging, true}]) it throws the exception below:

24.10.2014 14:51:22.494166 [info] [OCI] {oci_port,,361} started log disabled new port: [{name,"./priv/ocierl"}, {links,[<0.37.0>]}, {id,6248}, {connected,<0.37.0>}, {input,0}, {output,19}, {os_pid,12823}] 24.10.2014 14:51:22.494406 [debug] [OCI] Waiting for peer to connect on 51586 24.10.2014 14:51:22.516756 [debug] [OCI] Connection from 35261 to 51586 {oci_port,<0.37.0>} 3> 24.10.2014 14:51:22.517253 [info] [OCI] {c_src/erloci_drv/erloci.cpp,main,73} Port process configs : erlang term max size 0x00040000 bytes, logging enabled, TCP port for logs 5158 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'intf_ret'

=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Oct-2014::14:51:22 === * Generic server <0.37.0> terminating * Last message in was {#Port<0.781>,{exit_status,134}} * When Server state == {state,#Port<0.781>,false,0, {oci_logger,<0.38.0>}, undefined} * Reason for termination == * {port_exit,{'SIGABRT',core,"Abort"}} * exception error: {port_exit,{'SIGABRT',core,"Abort"}} 3>

c-bik commented 9 years ago

The latest version (github master) is producing the following output. Can you please check that you are compiling the latest code?

$ rpm -qa | grep erlang
$ uname -r
$ erl -pa ebin/
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source-5c974be] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V6.2  (abort with ^G)
1> oci_port:start_link([{logging, true}]).
24.10.2014 17:09:20.592869 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_logger,,66} ---- ERLOCI PORT PROCESS LOGGER ----
24.10.2014 17:09:20.608672 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,332} LD_LIBRARY_PATH = .../usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib/
24.10.2014 17:09:20.608733 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,334} Extra Env :[]
24.10.2014 17:09:20.608847 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,344} Executable "./priv/ocierl"
24.10.2014 17:09:20.608909 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,345} Options :[{packet,4},
24.10.2014 17:09:20.608986 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,356} started log enabled new port:
24.10.2014 17:09:20.609071 [debug] [_OCI_] Waiting for peer to connect on 52366
24.10.2014 17:09:20.708456 [debug] [_OCI_] Connection from 52967 to 52366
24.10.2014 17:09:20.708615 [info] [_OCI_] {c_src/erloci_drv/erloci.cpp,main,73} Port process configs : erlang term max size 0x00040000 bytes, logging enabled, TCP port for logs 5236
2> 24.10.2014 17:09:20.843337 [info] [_OCI_] {c_src/erloci_lib/ocisession.cpp,config,69} OCI Initialize
24.10.2014 17:09:20.896202 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,443} Remote log_enabled
24.10.2014 17:09:20.896394 [info] [_OCI_] {oci_port,,403} no reply for log_enabled
24.10.2014 17:09:20.896457 [info] [_OCI_] {c_src/erloci_drv/command.cpp,change_log_flag,54} Enabled logging..
ttyerlsol commented 9 years ago

And of course it is now working without problems. Likely bouncing the server cleared up stale links etc. Anyway, thank you very much.

c-bik commented 9 years ago

:) No worries. Closing this issue then as resolved.