K3D-tools / K3D-jupyter

K3D lets you create 3D plots backed by WebGL with high-level API (surfaces, isosurfaces, voxels, mesh, cloud points, vtk objects, volume renderer, colormaps, etc). The primary aim of K3D-jupyter is to be easy for use as stand alone package like matplotlib, but also to allow interoperation with existing libraries as VTK.
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removing a plot does not update the kpanel #445

Open jmrouet opened 5 months ago

jmrouet commented 5 months ago

k3d python and js version is the same: yes 2.16.0


when removing a plot element with the "plot -= xxx" syntax, the plot object still appears in the K3D Panel

What I Did

in a first cell

plot = k3d.plot()
line = k3d.line([0,0,0,1,0,0], name="test", group="toto")
plot += line

here the line is displayed as expected and toto/test appears in the "objects" section of the panel

then in another cell :

plot -= line

actually removes the line plot, but is is still displayed in the panel on the side.

And if unchecking/checking the "visible" toggle button, the line reappears, so actually the reference to the object still exists somewhere.... is there a leak ?


if I later progammatically hide and show the menu with

plot.menu_visibility = False
plot.menu_visibility = True

then the menu gets updated, but it is not very convenient

artur-trzesiok commented 1 week ago

@jmrouet good spot. Very likely my silly error in js code. I will fix it.